6 ☆party☆

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Finally the long awaited party arrived. Yul had made sure that his parents weren't there and that everything was perfect and tidy in the hall. he had procured all  of alchools, a flashlight, cases, and a lot of snacks; now all he had to do was wait for his classmates

The first to arrive were Ally, Tess and Hunter dressed in a casual way but still suitable for a disco party

Yul 《I said to come as a couple but I forgive you since I don't know you perfectly》
Hunter 《I'm sorry I didn't know who to choose between the two》
Yul 《it's ok》
Ally 《So you said there were video games?》
Yul 《Yes, the Play is attached to it in the living room, play with it. If you want, just don't smash my controller》

The three guys immediately went to the living room and began to play

The second couple that arrived were Rosa and Aiden

Rosa wasn't very sure about going to the party because Yul didn't really like her, but she went anyway for Aiden, who had tried in every way to convince her.

But Rosa didn't want to look annoyed about being at the party so she asked if there was anything to eat and went straight to the kitchen. Aiden instead sat down in one of the chairs nearby and continued to watch the door waiting for James to arrive. it had bothered him a lot when Riya had suddenly come there and had immediately decided to go to the party with him, he couldn't believe it, he was absolutely sure that James would ask him out

Yul 《 what are you doing standing there staring at the door? Are you waiting for someone?》
Aiden 《no I was just thinking about how beautiful this house is》

Aiden smirked nervously so as not to show what he was actually doing but Yul understood it anyway

Yul 《 If you're waiting for James, take it easy, they won't arrive for half an hour》
Aiden 《 do you seriously think I was waiting for that moron?! Never》

Yul rolled his eyes smiling and then walked away

Meanwhile Maggy and Kai arrived, also not very sure of coming to the party, they came only to get to know their companions better

Rosa and Aiden meanwhile were talking in the kitchen

Aiden 《How the hell is he not here yet? He doesn't even read my messages and to make matters worse he also lied to me!》
Rosa 《Aiden calm down! Yul said he would be late and then you know that Riya wants to arrive at the last minute so that everyone sees and envies her》
Aiden 《 Yes but he texted me that he would arrive at 9:30》
Rosa《now it's only 9:35》
Aiden 《 Indeed! 5 minutes late!》

Rosa sighed and smiled looking at him tenderly

Rosa 《 that boy really drives you crazy eh》
Aiden 《him? But have you seen it? He's just a vain boy who thinks he's the god of the world! He's selfish and a pain in the ass and everyone hates him!》

Rosa patted Aiden on the shoulder, she had already understood everything

A quarter of an hour later the last two boys arrived. Everyone except Rosa and Aiden were amazed to see Riya arm in arm with James and she was delighted by the suspicious looks of the others

Aiden waited a while until the two separated, then immediately walked over to James

Aiden 《where the fuck were you, you said you'd be there at 9:30》
James 《hey dwarf, why? Were you waiting for me?》
Aiden 《no! I could never wait for an asshole like you to arrive》
James 《so why are you scolding me for being late?》

Aiden looked at him with a lost look and then rolled his eyes as usual

James 《don't tell me, you were worried about me
Aiden 《I don't give a damn about you》
Yul 《hey buddy, would you want a sprit?》
Aiden 《I don't drink alcohol 》
Yul 《there is always a first time, you can also have a glass》
Aidenjust one

Ten minutes later Aiden was already drunk and wandering around the house staggering under everyone's amused eyes, no one expected someone like him to ever drink. Wandering she bumped into James and fell backwards, he laughed and helped him up by extending a hand. Aiden saw everything blurry and didn't even recognize him but stood looking at him

Aiden 《how muscular you are~》
James 《I know》
Aiden 《How beautiful you are! Marry me》
James 《I have a clear feeling you drank even more than a glass 》
Aiden 《nooo》
James 《well since you're drunk you won't get mad if I give you a little kiss~》

Aiden had his face in James's hands to steady himself, James scratched him and slowly began to approach his mouth. But instead of feeling Aiden's soft lips she felt a hand come between the two boys

Rosa 《oh no!》

James quickly pulled away and dropped Aiden into Rosa's arms

Rosa 《Do you really want your first kiss to be like this? A forced and fake kiss because one of you is drunk? Wouldn't you prefer a good real kiss full of passion and love?》
James《He wouldn't even kiss me dead, I just wanted to have some fun》
Rosa 《be patient, you will see that your time will come soon》

James rolled his eyes and took Aiden under his arms before picking him up and stroking his back

James 《this is his first time getting drunk, let him do what he want》

She turned and walked over to the couch where she laid him down on it. Meanwhile we went for a drink talking to Hunter and Kai, Maggy, Ally and Rosa went wild with BTS songs in the living room under the lights of the strobe. Yul flirted with Riya but she pushed him away, Tess was just as usual watching the others having fun.

The next day they all woke up in Yul's house, because of the alcohol they had collapsed on the ground and had spent the night there. Hunter woke up on the kitchen table with a spoon mark on his cheek, the girls woke up on the living room floor next to each other, yul was comfortable in his bed and kai was out in the garden under the shade of a tree .
The last to get up were James and Aiden who woke up on the couch, one on top of the other in an embrace

Aiden 《fuck what a headache》
James 《heyy 'day dwarf prince》

As soon as Aiden saw that he was lying on top of James his eyes widened and he tried to move away but he was still weak and couldn't move much.

James 《 once in a while you can even be near me》
Aiden 《no! I stay above you only because I don't have the strength to get up and leave》
James 《 at least admit you're feel comfortable 》
Aiden 《 No im not feel comfortable at all! And then who authorized you to let me sleep with me?》
James 《buddy, I lay comfortable on the sofa watching TikTok and you immediately lay on me still drunk and fell asleep》
Aiden 《tsk, I would have never done that》
James 《but you did》

Aiden got up and walked away but due to his headache he couldn't see well And slammed into a wall to James laughter

Within a half of an hour they had all gone out to have breakfast at the nearby bar and take some pills for the headache caused by alcohol from the day before. Yul was very happy to pay for everyone who ironically threatened him, after which they all went home

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