8 ☆dormitories☆

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Kristal 《Hello all guys, the new school dormitories are open from today, each of you will be given a key in the secretary's office. there will be two students per room, we chose the pairs based on the results of the test you took last week》

All the boys were surprised and excited by the news, they could finally experience the school period as in American colleges. Some were upset that their roommate would be chosen based on their test score, others were too happy not to think about it.

Hunter 《 may we know who we are in the room with?》
Kristal 《no, I can only tell you that there will be a good student and a bad one》

James beamed immensely. maybe he could have a chance to be in the same room with aiden and get to know him better, as he thought about it he amazed himself, and wondered why he even wanted to stay in the room with him. It doesn't fit his personality, Yul or Riya would have been better, but no, he wanted to be with Aiden.

Riya was hoping to end up with Rosa, Lake or Maggy just so they could do their homework while she went on night out

Yul hoped to be together with James because if they became friends they could make tiktok together, which would make him more famous in America and Europe

At the end of the school day everyone had gone to get their keys from the secretary's office who they had ended up in the room with

Aiden arrived in front of his dorm and as he inserted the key he pleaded that his mate was neither James nor Yul. He entered the room and saw no one, the place was equipped with two beds on opposite sides of the room, a small kitchen, a bathroom and huge wardrobes. He entered the bedroom and his eyes widened to see James shirtless lying on the bed listening to music, he didn't notice his presence and this gave Aiden time to observe him better, he bit his lower lip looking at his pecs and his model physique. Then he composed himself and shouted his name to make sure that he was noticed

Aiden 《James! JAMES!!》

The boy whirled around and took off his headphones, his eyes widened when he saw Aiden

James 《oh no, I have to put up with you all day now》

He said, but was actually happy to be in the room with him

Aiden 《Don't tell me about it. How long have you been here?》
James 《about half an hour, and I've already established my part of the room, where you won't be able to set foot》
Aiden 《you've been here alone for half an hour and you've already reduced half the room to a pigsty》
James 《by the way, can you do the housework?》
Aiden 《Yes,  but what does that have to do with it now?》
James 《perfect, then you will be the one to cook, wash and clean here》
Aiden 《then? Do you also want me to tuck you in?》
James 《if you want》
Aiden 《you are incredible 》
James 《we are two men, one of us has to be the woman right?》
Aiden 《you know more about girls than me, why don't you do it?》
James 《Im an alpha male, and you are my sub》
Aiden 《you're just crazy, and anyway I won't be your submissive even if you pay me》
James 《You prefer to be submissive in other kind of moments don't you~?》
Aiden 《what do you mean?》

James laughed leaving Aiden confused, the latter rolled his eyes as usual and put away his things, accepting his fate.

He turned several times to look at James without even knowing why, something about him attracted him. He would have been watching it for hours, but he didn't want him to find out so he held back and bit his lower lip. To avoid embarrassment, he went to the bathroom leaving the phone on the bed

Two minutes later it rang, it was Lake, James picked it up and declined the call

James 《not now, bastard》

James didn't have anything against her but it bothered him that she kept getting Aiden's attentions and distracting him when they talked.

While he was at it he also took a selfie with the caption "don't leave your phone unattended you midget bastard" and threw the phone back on the bed

// I got this idea from some comments in the previous chapter uwu // ( willowisaretard & adien_istrans )

James and Aiden were late for school, as living 2 minutes away from your class causes you to lose track of time. They ran like crazy not to be late

James 《we don't need to run so much,  there are still 2 minutes left》
Aiden 《shut up and run》

They had almost reached the classroom, the corridor was still full of people and there were still 30 seconds left for the bell to sound. In the last few steps of running Aiden didn't notice the backpack left there, in front of him, and tripped over it


James snapped and grabbed him by the hips, preventing him from falling. He pulled it up and placed it against his chest under the gaze of all the other students confused and stored. The most popular girls felt slight envy for Aiden, others didn't care, still others, like Rosa and Lake, freaked out putting their hands in front of their mouths with joy and tenderness.

Aiden's face was on fire and butterflies in his stomach. He felt protected in those muscular arms and he would have been reborn there for hours but feeling at the center of attention he moved away from James, who let him go

Aiden 《thanks, I guess...》

He turned to go to class followed by Lake and Rosa who commented on the tenderness of the scene

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then, help me. I don't know who to room yul with

Do you have any ideas?

Since I'm loving the korans in this period and I would like to make Yul more involved in the story, with his arrogance and his pride
(Like Min Ho of "XO, Kitty")

And nothing, do you have any idea who to put he together with?

At most, I'll leave him the Japanese girl I put in chapter 7

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