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It wasn't unusual for people to feel different. So when San began to feel less happy he thought it was just the work load and the less me time for himself. So he thought why not spend some time alone and take care of myself.

San did just that. He did a face mask, watched his favorite movie, ate snacks and ice cream. Not forgetting the comfy pajamas. Well, it did nothing. He didn't feel a little relaxed or happier. As days went by he started to feel the emptiness getting bigger. Consuming him whole.

"SAN COME HERE" Hongjoong yelled. San sighed and joined his members at the table. Seonghwa had already put his plate when he sat down next to Jongho.

"Thanks hyung" San said. Slowly eating the food on his plate. He wasn't surprised when he ate half the plate and got full. He put the fork down and watched others instead.

"Are you done? Can I take it" Yeosang asked. Eyeing Sans half eaten plate.

"Yeah, sure" San replied. Giving the plate to Yeosang who accepted it with happiness.

After breakfast was done they went to the Company. They stretches for about ten minutes and then started with the routine. After three hours of dancing, they had a recording. San was back to the morning again. The emptiness coming back harder than before after all the adrenalin from dancing. They all sat at the studio, listening to each other sing their part. It was Sans time to sing. He entered the booth and put on the headphones. Giving a thumbs up to Hongjoong to start the music. As the melody played San focused on the lyrcs. After singing his part he was asked to do it again. So he did it again. And again. And again.

"San, add more emotion" Hongjoong said from the mic. San nodded. Taking a deep breath as the music started again. He did his best. Really. But it wasn't enough. He knew it from the way Hongjoong frowned.

"Sorry hyung" he said. Sitting back. Now only Wooyoung was left.

"It's fine" Hongjoong replied. Giving him a small smile to show that he wasn't angry. San let out a breath, relieved that he didn't anger his leader. After recording was over, they all packed and left. At the dorm San was the first to shower. After about ten minutes he was out. Dressed in cozy pajamas. As he walked to his room to dry his hair he saw Seonghwa on the phone at the living room. So he grabbed a towel and approached Seonghwa.

"Hyung, can you dry my hair" he asked.

"Yeah sure" Seonghwa replied. Putting the phone aside as San sat between his legs on the floor. As Seonghwa ruffled his hair Sans focus turned to their reflection on the black TV screen. He felt a tap and looked up to Seonghwa who smiled at his curious eyes.

"It's done" Seonghwa said. Combing the blond hair to style a bit.

"Thanks hyung" San beamed. Getting up and going to his room.


"Earth to San" Wooyoung called. Waving in front of him.

"Huh, what" San said quickly. Blinking and looking at Wooyoung pouting. "Sorry what did you said" he asked again.

"I was saying if you wanted to walk at the han river with me" Wooyoung asked.

"Yeah, ok" San replied. Wooyoung smiled again and rushed to the door. San followed shortly after Wooyoung left the door open.

"Why are you so excited, we walked here a lot" San asked when they stopped at Wooyoungs request of taking photos.

"Because it's always fun to go around here. Smile Sannie" Wooyoung said. Taking San off guard.

"You didn't smile" he said after checking the photo.

"But you told me at the last moment" San replied. Rolling his eyes playfully. Smiling as Wooyoung took another photo.

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