Chapter 1 - New School

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its shorter than i thought it would be but still better than the original

1234 words including this


I was drawing in my sketch book in my backyard when Chainsaw busted the back door open. "Saw! Mom wants to have a family meeting!" I sighed. "Okay! I'll be there in a sec!" I closed my sketch book and walked back inside the house. I saw mom sitting on the couch waiting patiently waiting for us. I put my book on the coffee table and sat down on the chair next to the couch. Chainy sat down next to mom. "So, you know how you guys are homeschooled because there are no schools here in Yoyleland?" We nodded. "Yeah! It's been gEIGHT not having to wake up super early!"

"Well, I thought that we could move to Goiky! They have amazing schools there, and you could even make some actual friends! How does that sound?" I was shocked. Move? Why? We've always been fine here in Yoyleland. We don't need to go to school! "Mom, no. We're not moving!" Chainy said. "I'm sorry Chainsaw, but I've already bought a house there. We're moving tomorrow, whether you like it or not." Mom stood up. "Now go pack your packs!" I sighed. I stood up and went into my room. I can't believe I'm moving! Our family has lived in Yoyleland for years. I haven't even been outside Yoyleland for holidays.

This is gonna suck.


We were driving in our car all the way to Goiky. We had to put our car on a boat so that we could cross the ocean there. We were apparently almost there according to my mom. "How much longer? We've been driving for hours!" Chainy whined, cleanly still upset that we had to move. "Just 5 more minutes." Chainsaw crossed his arms and pouted. "Don't worry Chainy, we'll be there soon." "I told you a million times not to call me that!" I ignored him and looked out the window. The sun was setting. I felt myself yawn as i felt the bumpy road shift the car

"We're here!" Mom said, stopped the car in the driveway of a house. It had 2 floors and a pool in the back. Our old house had one floor. We got out of the car and I just stared at the house. So this is where I'm spending the rest of my life, huh? I'm only 16, and I have no idea what I wanna do in the future. "Saw, come help me bring the boxes in!" I snapped out of my train of thought and helped my mom carry the boxes inside.

I put all of the boxes in the rooms they belonged in and carrying my stuff upstairs. I tried to set up my room similar to how it was in Yoyleland but this room was slightly bigger so there were some gaps here and there. When I was finished I changed into my pjs and fell onto my bed. I was extremely exhausted from today. Mom told me to set my alarm for 6 am so I did. I laid back down and started to fall asleep.


I woke to a loud beeping sound and discovered it was my alarm clock. I threw it across the room, almost breaking it, and stood up. I yawned, still a bit tired but knew that I had to get ready. Mom went to my new school last night (I'm still surprised that it was open somehow) and got my uniform. I took and shower and got dressed. I walked down stairs, almost falling since I'm not used to having to walk down stairs so early in the morning.

I started to make breakfast for me and Chainy. I cooked toast and boiled some eggs. As soon as I was done I saw Chainy tripping down the stairs as he came down. I silently chuckled. "Chainy, your tie is all messed up." He rolled his eyes. "I don't care! And I totally meant to do that!" I rolled my eyes. "Hurry up and eat so we can get to school." "Yeah yeah, okay." We ate our food and started to walk to school. "Why can't we just drive there?" Chainy asked, annoyed.

"That's a gEIGHT question Chainy," I said, sarcastically. "I can't drive, and mom's at work, so we have to walk." Chainsaw groaned. "Fineee." We were two blocks away from the school when someone bumped into me, almost making me fall. The person was wearing roller skates. They called out a  "SORRY!" as the continued to ride past me. "Ugh, who even was that?" I said, rubbing my head. "People here are so rude!" Chainy said, rolling his eyes. "While we were driving here, some annoying asshole-" "Watch your language." "Kept on beeping us while we were in traffic. What were we supposed to do?! Start flying??"

Chainy kept on going on and on about how Yoyleland is much better than Goiky. We finally made it to the schools and Chainsaw's middle school was right next to my high school. "BWAHAHA! What kinda school name is BFB High!? That's so dumb!" Chainy exclaimed, laughing his ass off. "At least my school isn't called 'BFDI Middle School'." "This is another reason why Goiky sucks ass." "Language Chainy." "Don't call me that! And I'm 13, I can curse! Just not around mom.." I rolled my eyes. "See you after school Chainy!" "I HATE YOU!"

I walked into my school we be met with a whole buch of lockers. Why is there so many? What are these even for?? Mom said I had to go talk to someone called 'a principal' for my classes. There was another person in the hallway with a green afro, so I decided to go and talk to her. "Um, hi! I'm Saw. Do you where I can find the 'principal'?" She looked up at me and smiled.

"Hello Saw! I'm Leafy! The principal's office is upstairs to the right." "Oh, okay thanks!" I headed upstairs and saw a door labeled 'Principal's Office KNOCK BEFORE ENTERING'. I knocked on the door and I heard a muffled come in from the other side.


The principal gave me a paper with all my classes on it. He also told me to call him 'Principal Announcer'. I checked my paper and I had homeroom first. It was in room 124. What the heck is homeroom? Is it like a home in a room?? This is extremely confusing. I walked to room 124. Before I opened the door, this loud noise suddenly started. I was so startled that I tripped and fell to the ground. "Woah, are you okay?"

I looked up and saw it was the same person who bumped into me. "Yeah. What was that?" I asked, standing up. "It was just the school bell. It plays every time a class starts." "And that's.. normal?" She laughed. "Um, yeah! It's like you haven't been to school before." "I haven't actually." She seemed a bit shocked at my response but just laughed it off.

"Sorry for bumping into you earlier. I was meeting up with a few friends before school." "I've never had friends before.." "Oh! Well, I can be your friend!" I gasped softly. "Really?" "Yeah! Of course!" "My name's Saw." She smiled. "Nice to meet ya Saw!" "What's your name?"


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