Very bad day:

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I have learn the My Husband want to destroy his portrait and if he did it and he will die and leave me and our daughter Elizabeth and our children and our friends and Paul and his wife and his son. Doc tell me that he have to tie my Husband down because he is trying destroy his portrait and his portrait was keep him alive. After I learn that my daughter is getting hit on by the boy name is Peter Jones and he keep ask her and than she say no him and he say to her poison gun to her head and then he trying to do the deed with my daughter and she say no to him and he not leaving her alone and he kidnap her and my lovely husband save her from the kidnap and my husband say he is with our daughter Elizabeth and I glad that my husband save her and she is safe now! I love my lovely husband and my wonderful daughter Elizabeth!! And she saw the boy who is been mean to her run straight to our friend Pat Garrett Jail by our good friend Harry and she is alright and ok.

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