Chapter 1

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x Hi! this is my first post on wattpad. this fic is also on ao3, though it's locked to users only.  It's a little short, but I hope you enjoy! Thanks for reading! :) x

They were going back to their flat in Fulham after a night out at the pub, both drunk and thoroughly exhausted, leaning heavily on each other as they walked. They had enjoyed the most delicious steak and chips with a couple of pints of beer and after that god knows what else. Dec was tiredly mumbling something indecipherable into Ant's shoulder; probably something about that lass he'd met at the pub, Ant didn't care much about it, anyway.

He was more bothered by Dec's hair tickling his chin, and how it smelt god-awful ( had he dumped his head in the chips or something?); and his shirt, which was slightly itchy on skin, but he was so tired he couldn't bring himself to move an inch.

"Ant! Ant. Ant!.....listen!"

He felt Dec tugging at his sleeve insistently, and he grumbled slightly, ignoring him until it just got way too annoying and he let out a frustrated breath.

"What is it, man?" he snapped.

"Oh, Uhh, nothing."

Ant groaned, and they both fell quiet again.

Suddenly, they heard a voice shouting from somewhere behind them.


"Oi, you two! You're those faggots off the telly, ain't ya!" The voice was much closer now, as if the man shouting was right behind them. "Like it up the arse, don't ya, bloody poofters!" The man shouted, as he came up next to Dec and pulled him back by his shoulder harshly.

Through his drink-addled haze, Ant could feel himself getting angry, arm flailing as he turned around and attempted to punch the bloke and free Dec from his grasp at the same time. Thankfully, the man seemed to be as drunk as they were, and lacked the energy or the coordination to properly fight back, and Ant was able to push him away easily enough.

He put his arm around Dec, rubbing his shoulder lightly with his thumb.
"Y'alright, Declan?"
Dec just nodded quietly, "Take us home."

Four Times Ant and Dec Were Mistaken For A Couple, And One Time They Weren'tWhere stories live. Discover now