Chapter 4

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They were relaxing on the plush sofa in Megan and Greg's living room, waiting for them to come back after seeing Dec's numerous "DNA Cousins" out.
Ant was propped up against the arm of the sofa, Declan leaning into his side slightly; both relishing the peace and quiet and letting the events of the day wash over them.

It had been an especially tiring day. You'd think they'd be used to heavy socializing by now; but it was still a massively draining activity having to keep up conversation with so many new people all day.

Ant was worse off than Dec, just about managing to keep his eyes open when Megan and Greg came back into the room.

They all smiled at each other a little awkwardly as a kind of relieved quiet settled into the atmosphere.

"So when do you guys usually go to bed?" asked Megan, at last.

"Oh, around this time, mostly, or a little later," answered Dec "but our sleeping schedule has been a bit all over the place anyway, you know, because of the jetlag."

"Ah, that's true."

They fell silent again.

"Oh, um, I hope you're okay with the room upstairs? I mean, there's plenty of space otherwise, but that one's slightly bigger, so..." said Megan.

"Yeah, absolutely, anything's fine!" replied Dec, for the both of them, as Ant was almost completely out of it by that time. " We wouldn't want to disturb you, though."

"Oh, you don't have to worry about that! I mean, I think you'd be more disturbed by Greg's horrible snoring than anything else!" laughed Megan.

Dec huffed a little laugh at that, turning slightly towards Ant to see if he'd been listening.

"Does your one snore too?"

"Huh? Who? Oh, uh, Ant? Not really, I mean, he does sometimes, I suppose."

Everyone laughed politely, becoming quiet once again; and Dec could see Ant through the corner of his eye, looking very much like he just wanted to get up and go to sleep.

Dec finally took the hint, and rose to his feet. " I think we'd best get to sleep now, before we fall asleep on your sofa."

"Oh yeah, sure, I'll show you to your room," said Greg, getting up too, along with Megan.

Together, they went upstairs. "Here we are, then."

"Thank you. And thanks for letting us stay. Dinner was wonderful, as well," Dec smiled at the couple.

"Oh, uh, sorry, which one's the other room? It's this one here, and ..?"

"The- the other room? Oh, right, sorry, you're not-" said Megan, suddenly all flustered. "Yes, well, you can go in here!" she pointed to a room a little further up the corridor.

"It's slightly smaller, but I hope you'll be okay?"

"Yeah, thanks, no worries! Goodnight!"

"Goodnight," Megan smiled at Dec a little confusedly as she walked back along the corridor towards her husband, whispering, "I wonder why they sleep in different bedrooms?"

Four Times Ant and Dec Were Mistaken For A Couple, And One Time They Weren'tWhere stories live. Discover now