Chapter 2

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Ant was sitting with Dec's head in his lap, softly stroking his hair. They'd both come down with the flu last week, and Dec still hadn't completely gotten over it. He liked the extra attention anyway; he liked being fussed over and coddled by Ant, even if he wasn't very sick. And Ant knew this, obviously,
but he didn't mind, and what wouldn't he do for that boy anyway?

He'd even cooked for him! He'd made his special chicken soup, which, apart from tasting excellent (even if he did say so himself), was also wonderful for colds and coughs and sore throats.

They'd enjoyed the meal, with Cat, who had come by to see how they were doing; and they were all now sprawled out on the sofa.

Ant looked up, noticing Cat staring at them again. She had been looking at them a bit strangely today, like she wanted to say something or ask something but giving up at the last minute.


"Oh, err, nothing.....I was just wondering..." she said, hesitating a little bit before blurting out, "So are Clare and Lisa okay with this...this kind of thing?"

"What kind of thing?"

"Oh, you know, you two and....all that," she said, looking awkward.

"I literally don't know what you're talking about, Cat," said Ant, feeling confused and slightly amused at Cat's line of questioning.

"Don't think I don't know. I've seen you two together. I mean, it's pretty obvious," she explained, hurriedly adding, "And, you don't have to be worried; I'm fine, like, I won't judge or anything."

"What are you on about?" asked Dec, yawning loudly, putting an arm around Ant and pulling himself closer.

Cat stared at them.

"So are you not...?" she trailed off, when she realized they weren't really listening anymore.

Dec was staring sleepily up at Ant, who stifled a giggle at his childlike expression.

"Time to get you to bed, kidda?" He sighed. "Come on, then."

"Right, well," said Cat, getting up rather abruptly; "I'll be off, then."

"Yeah, okay! See you tomorrow!" Ant said over his shoulder, busy maneuvering Dec into the bedroom.

Cat smiled to herself as she took a last look at them before closing the door behind her, leaving them alone again, all soft smiles and sleepy eyes.

Four Times Ant and Dec Were Mistaken For A Couple, And One Time They Weren'tWhere stories live. Discover now