️♛️ Chapter Twelve ♛

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Sabrina sat at her vanity, sectioning parts of her hair off with a pin-tail comb then rolled them up in small hair curlers. "Do you think I've got enough small hair curlers? I don't want too many because it'll be uncomfortable to sleep in." She asked, glancing back at Lacy.

Lacy sat on the edge of the bed, putting the lid on the sparkly, bubblegum pink nail polish she had just put on her nails. "Is your hair completely covered?" She asked and Sabrina confirmed her question with a yes. "Then you have your answer."

Sabrina furrowed her brows and frowned at Lacy's tone. "Okay, what gives?" She asked, standing up and walking over to the bed. "You're a little more snarky than usual." She sat down on the edge of the bed and placed her hands on her lap.

Lacy looked over at Sabrina and sighed heavily. "It's not that anything is bothering me, I just can't get over how Cooper was looking at Stephoné for so long." She said, disdain in her voice as she stood up and set the nail polish on Sabrina's vanity.

Kiki walked out of the bathroom, tying a bow on the back of her nightgown. "Why does that bother you? They didn't even speak to each other, just a little wave. It's not like you're dating him or anything." She questioned, her blunt tone laced with sweetness.

"Who says I can't?" Lacy whipped her head around and glared at Kiki. "Who says any of us can't date him?" She challenged sharply, crossing her arms over her chest, making sure her nails did not get smudged on her silk pajamas.

Kiki was taken aback, staring wide-eyed at Lacy's sudden outburst. "Uh -" She closed her mouth realizing she had nothing to say to that. 'What's gotten into Lacy? She's normally not this on edge about Stephoné. She's never really given her much thought.' She thought to herself, looking down at the floor.

Sabrina glanced between Lacy, who was annoyed, and Kiki, who wanted to vanish. "Do you have a crush on Cooper Cunningham?" She teased, knowing Lacy of all people would never follow through.

Lacy rolled her eyes, cracking a small smile. "He is cute. That smile, and accent, he's every girl's dream man." She swooned, falling back on the bed. "But I doubt I'm his type. For anything, he's Sabrina's type, isn't that right? Tall, brown-haired boys with blue eyes?"

Sabrina recalled all of her crushes, whether at school or celebrity ones she'd had and they were indeed brown-haired and blue-eyed, who also happened to be tall. "Yes, yes, that's right. But let's not get ahead of ourselves. We don't know him, he doesn't know us and we don't know his type."

Lacy rolled her eyes, not understanding why Sabrina was being so different. "Whoa, now what's up with you? I thought it was your thing to make every boy fall for you then turn them down in the sweetest way, even if they aren't your type?" She inquired, raising an eyebrow.

Sabrina took in a deep breath and dug her nails into her palms. "No, Lacy. That was never my goal. I just can't help it if guys fall for me of their own accord and then I have to date them to keep my appearance up." She sweetly replied through a forced smile.

Lacy snorted, blowing a stray lock from her face. "Tell that to your two junior-year boyfriends." She commented harshly, sitting back down on the bed and grabbing the top coat, applying it to each nail.

Sabrina took a deep breath and forced a polite smile. "They weren't my boyfriends. They were simply boys who wanted to hang out with me at different times after confusing their feelings for me and getting turned down." She replied, keeping her voice calm.

Lacy pressed her lips inside a thin line, raising an eyebrow. 'I don't believe that for a moment. Sabrina has always been boy crazy, so, what gives now?' She thought to herself, turning her attention towards their black-haired friend.

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