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"That was how it happened o guys. I'm not that sad sha, I have taken it as my cross." She says sitting on a chair in the class.
"So you couldn't tell us on phone abi?" Jeremy questions sitting on her table.
"No vex. I was very busy. Someone from church wanted to learn baking so I had to get stuff ready. She didn't even come again."
"Imagine? Nigerians will surely make you annoyed." Hassan chips in making the others laugh.
"Pele o, you're not a Nigerian abi?" Inioluwa asks him as a junior student knocks on the door of the class. One of the students, looks up at her and motions for her to come inside.
"Good morning seniors." She greets the class and why some reply, others don't. She looks up to Feyintola and her friends and they look back in expectation.
"Say what you want to say na." A tall fair boy who looks just the opposite of Hassan says.
"Mrs Akin said you should come to her office." She says and turns to go.
"Mchteew! Junior students be doing like crayfish." Joshua, the boy from earlier jokes and the others laugh while Feyintola stands up to go.
  "Abi I should follow you?" Jeremy asks.
"Ehn! Kukuma carry her on your back so you people will get there faster." Hassan replies him earning a snack on the head.
"I will injure somebody's son o." He threatens while Inioluwa waves at Feyintola who laughs going out of the class.

"You can come in." A voice orders from inside and Feyintola turns the door knob and enters the office. She is surprised to see her Aunt dressed in a yellow and black flowered material styled into a body hug gown sitting with the principal, dressed in black suit and blue inner.
"Good morning ma." She greets the principal sending her aunt a questioning look.
"How are you doing Feyintola?"
"I'm fine ma."
"Ehn ehn! Have your seat." She tells her removing her glasses and wiping her watery eyes using a blue colored handkerchief.
"Thank you ma." She replies and sits beside her Aunt.
"So, I was sited here in my office when this beautiful and kind lady here walked in saying she wanted to see me. We said a lot of things and the end outcome of it is a very promising and beautiful point. You are really blessed to have someone like her as your aunt. I must tell you. When she first told me what she came here for, I naturally told her it wasn't possible until I then wanting to assist, called someone concerned and well versed in it and the person explained to me that it's very much possible and allowed." Mrs Akin starts to explain making Feyintola very confused look up to her aunt whose gaze is instead fixed on the talking woman.
  "I have been talking in parables for a while right?"
"Yes ma'am. I'm very confused." She confesses.
"I can see it written all over you. What I have been trying to say is that, this your Aunt came into my office today and offered to sign you in for the competition. All thanks be to God, it's allowed and she has done just that." She finally declares making Feyintola scream in happiness. She hugs her aunt dearly and even goes on her knees to thank her.
"Thanks so much Aunt Tola. Thank you." She gushes in happiness still holding on to her.
"You're welcome dear. It's one of my duties as your auntie. Please stand up." She says pulling her up while the principal lovingly watches the beautiful moment.
"Thanks so much ma'am." Feyintola says facing the principal.
"I didn't do anything o. You should really thank you Aunt and your Coach. They have done a lot. A whole lot." She says putting on a smile. She hands her a small card for the competition.
"Show that to your coach and he knows the necessary things to do." She says while Feyintola and her Aunt stand up.
"Thanks so much ma'am." Older Feyintola says and they leave the office.
"Thanks so much Aunt. I don't know how to say thank you." She confesses.
"You can by going to that field and letting them know who you are." Her aunt replies and she nods her head.
"Where to?"
"Classroom. I need to tell the boys about this. After that, I will head to the field."
"Okay then. I'm going back to the hospital. We have a project coming up soon and it looks like we're partnering with another hospital."
"Oh. Good luck Aunt. Take care of yourself."
"You too love. Bye." She says and opens the door to her black Toyota Camry and zooms out of the compound with Feyintola waving behind her.

Older Feyintola is just so sweet. I love her like kilode 💌❤️. I don't know why but I don't feel like talking too much here. What do you think? Leave it in the comment session. Do have a beautiful day 💟💟. Please vote 🌟 comment and share. MUCH love 🖤💝💕

  Yours in Ink; Bethel ™

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