Part 4

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Yejin disappeared after giving the resignation letter. Her friends had looked for her but could not find her anywhere. They started to get suspicious of what was going on with Director Hyun, among others.

"Could they have been in a relationship?" Ji Hyun gives speculation.

"I think so. They have something to hide. Did Director Hyun's fiancé mess up their previous relationship?" Mido was wondering.

Woo Jin looks annoyed when his two friends talk about Hyun Bin. According to him, the man really did not match Yejin.

"Could it be that Yejin is in Daegu? She once said that she missed her hometown."

"Should we just skip work for today? I also can't focus on work if I don't know where Yejin is."  Mido made a suggestion.

"It's impossible if we all skip work. Let me find Yejin, you guys go back to the office."

"But..." Mido and Ji Hyun looked doubtful about Woo Jin's idea, but what he said was also true and they agreed with his decision.

Hearing the news that Yejin no longer lived in her apartment also worried Jin Woo. He immediately looked for the whereabouts of the woman who was still his subordinate—because her resignation had not been processed.

"Daebak! He's that worried about Yejin? Don't you feel suspicious, Ji Hyun?" Mido said on the sidelines of their work after seeing Jin Woo who rushed to run after hearing the news about Yejin.

"After all, Yejin is still his employee. It's only natural for him to be worried."

"You are too kind to people."

"Ah, I envy Yejin. She is always loved by many men." she explained.


Yejin returns to Daegu, the hometown where she grew up. Her childhood was not that happy.  There are no good times that she could tell. Her parents separated when she was a kid. Her family's economic situation was difficult.  Luckily, she was a smart girl so she got a scholarship and finally graduated.

After visiting her mother's resting place, she visited an orphanage where her mother used to work. She decided to accept the ahjumma's offer that she already considered like her mother. She was a close friend of her late mother. She will work in an orphanage taking care of children who don't have families like her mother used to do.

"Imo, how are you? You haven't been here in a long time." one of the boys approached her. He had just learned to walk when Yejin was last visited them but now he has become an active and cheerful little boy.

"Hoon, you're big boy now." she smiled when the boy gave him candy.

"I miss you, Imo. Ji Hyeon has been adopted and I don't have any friends here anymore."

"I'm sorry for not visiting you for a long time. I've heard about Ji Hyeon. You must be sad."

"I was, but I didn't get sad when I heard you'd be living here. I won't be lonely anymore."

"I'll probably only be here a little while." she spoke softly, looking like she was holding back her sadness.

"You're going far?"

She nodded with reddened eyes. The little boy said, "I want to go wherever you go, imo. Please."


Hyun Bin could only ponder remembering what Yejin had said some time ago. He had asked his mother, but he didn't get an answer but a barrage of scolding.

He seemed so dispirited lately. His appearance is disheveled even though he is the most concerned with appearance.

Jin Woo walked him to his room. He asks him to get ready as they are leaving in a minute.

"Where are we going?" he was surprised when the man suddenly spoke to him.

"Did you forget that we're going to the orphanage for thanksgiving tomorrow? Hurry up, we're leaving in twenty minutes." he left after saying that.

"Hey, are we going far? Why did you just tell me?"

"We're going to Daegu. I've been texting you since three days ago and I don't think you've read it."

It was true that he had not looked at his phone recently. He was busy thinking about Yejin and his girlfriend spammed him by sending him wedding dress references. It makes him reluctant to open his phone.

But, they're going to Daegu? What a coincidence this year they chose Daegu as the place to share. He hoped to meet her there to ask for an explanation so that their problems would be resolved. He knew that it was too late to ask for an explanation after so many years but better late than never, right?

He only brought a few clothes since they were only there two or three days in Daegu. They leave together. Several employees also joined, including Mido, Ji Hyun, and Woo Jin. The three of them were invited directly by Jin Woo.

Hyun Bin sat next to Jin Woo. He kept looking at the street through the window. Jin Woo then said to him. "I love a woman from Daegu."

"You will marry her?" he asked, still staring at the street.

"I will take her heart and make her my wife."

"Do I know that woman?"

"He worked with us." he replied.

Hyun Bin tries to stay calm but he can't help it. He paused for a moment then averted his eyes from the window. "Who's she?" he still feigned ignorance.

"Son Yejin. I loved her from the first sight. I know that this is difficult but I will fight for her. I will make her move on from her ex-boyfriend and make her happy by marrying her."

He fell silent. Really, he was insensitive when he saw his friend was too concerned about her. He didn't expect that the woman he had been talking about was Yejin. His ex-girlfriend, The woman he once loved.

"I will not let him be taken by anyone, even those closest to me." Bin felt that his friend already knew about him and Yejin.

"I just saw you fall in love."

"I've been in love with her for a long time."

For some reason Hyun Bin didn't like it when he found out that another man liked Yejin while he already had a girlfriend. He knew that it was selfish. Even though he said that he really hated his ex-girlfriend, deep inside he still wished that they could go back to how they used to be.

To be honest, he missed the time when they were still together. He didn't know if it could be repeated or not but, according to him, there was no woman he could love the way he loved Yejin.

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