Chapter IV "Dungeon"

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Within a swift second,Lucy dashed away before her father caught her. Guards came and put the children in chains,but when the king saw Amy,he said something. "Do not tie up the Orange haired,older girl,I'll handle her." The children were trying to get out of the chains but they couldn't. You must think Amy just got to walk? She did not. Amy was being pulled by the ear,by the king. "Who are-who are you?!" Yelled James while being pushed and shoved,also being in chains. "I am King Wantle. I have finally found Earthers. My daughter is one." Looking at the kings feet,Jane noticed something. He's not human,nor a ghost like his daughter. He has hooves,he's a.. a centaur! Jane's eyes still followed his feet while being pushed and shoved. Soon they reached a dungeon,they were then unchained,then thrown in. Kaii kept running up on the dungeon door,trying to break it down. James sat on the floor,tired,questioning to himself what's happening. Jane sat beside him,answering his questions. Amy sat on the floor as well,but alone,watching Kaii with all hope,with hope they will be free. There was a little wine,everyone looked at each other to see who was on the verge of tears. Amy saw a blanket move beside her. Amy crawled in front of it. She carefully moved the blanket,and she saw,Peter. He was still chained up. But just not on the wall,they threw him over there. He then stopped wining and fell into Amy's arms. He was crying super hard. His brand new Overalls had been covered in dirt. "Susan!" Amy didn't say anything about it this time,because he was crying. "Kaii,see if you can reach that key. I'll free Peter with it." Kaii got on his knees,and reached his arm out as far as he could. "I can't reach it,I just can't." Said Kaii. "James,Jane— Jane! Pass me one of your hair clips." Jane stopped answering James' questions for a second,and took out her hair clip. Then she pushed it to Kaii. "Thank you,Amy,get a stick out of Peters hair, I guarantee he has one in there."
Amy scoffed and did so. "This won't hurt,at least I hope not." Peter cried for a quick second when taking it out. "Here!" Amy tossed it over to Kaii. Kaii did what he could,he got the stick,then put the hair clip on it. After,he reached it out. The key was sliding to the door in no time!  "I've gotten it!" He threw it to Amy. She then unlocked Peter,and put him in her little carrier on her back. "Kaii,move out the way." Within a second,the dungeon doors were wide open. She used the key. "Jane! James! Come on!" Shouted out Kaii. Peter had fallen asleep due to all this pressure. A bright blue light formed in front of them,it then turned into a human like them. "Black haired boy,tall,take the sword that is Red. Orange haired girl,Oldest,take that bow and arrow that is blue. Brunette haired boy,medium sized,take that knife,that is green. Brunette haired girl,medium sized,take that pocket knife that is yellow. And for the brown haired young boy,youngest,he will have the healing medicine that is all the colors. Be quiet,and go." The bright blue light detransformed. And flew away. "We have no time to lose!" Said James. They ran and dashed up the stairs. "There's 20 guards! What do we do?" Whispered Kaii. "I know." Said Jane and Amy. Amy loaded her bow and arrow, aimed then shot. It was magical,when it hit one person,18 people were down. Jane then ran up the stairs and pulled out her pocket knife. She jumped up into the air,and hit one of the guards in the eye. "CHARGE!!" Yelled the last guard. Twenty more guards came running in. "Backup!" Shouted Jane. Amy ran to a corner. Thirty more guards came. James ran out into the open beside Jane. Kaii was in front of them both with his huge sword.
Kaii ran as fast as he could,and stabbed one of the guards. Amy shot down 18. That left thirty-one more guards. James jumped onto a rope and swung on it. His feet hit two giants. They both fell to the ground,crushing nine of their team. There were twenty-two left. James jumped on one of the giants stomach. He looked for the heart,and stabbed there.
The giant screeched in pain. Jane climbed the other giant,and cut its tongue out. Twenty guards left. How neat? Amy warned the others to run. And she shot the bow and arrow at more guards. Two left. The ground started to rumble,everyone down there started to shake. "RUN!!" Shouted James. You could see the four of them running past the large creatures.

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