Creature info

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Note: I know Nymphs normally go around naked, but not in this world. Well, other than Tree nymphs, they were taught when young that their body didn't matter and they were whores for the rest of the world. They literally have no self worth.
I tried to cover everything about the species.
Another note: when two different nymphs mate and make a child, whatever the mother is the child will be.

Water nymphs info:
When a pond nymph is born, they are left by the parents to take care of themselves, often leading the child to have there water source to dry up and die
Since this is a common occurrence, water nymphs are going extinct, but when having the proper care and necessities, they live on to adults.
Water nymphs are all connected to a water source, in which is their life source.
Now to the rare case of the parents staying and taking care of the child, the parents along with the child will be shunned away from all water nymphs.
Pond and lake nymphs are most common in Forest areas, or in smaller, dryer places. Pond and lake nymphs are very similar, but don't tell them that, they hate to be compared to each other and often compete with one another. They are small in size and often have pointy small ears. They normally wear flowy dresses, and have long silky blue hair. They have markings on their arms and legs. These smaller nymphs are very protective and may attack at the slightest hint of feeling unsafe. But once they make a friend, they are loyal to the end.
Their much taller and bigger brethren, the sea nymphs, have markings on their face and normally wear short dresses, they have much longer ears than their smaller counterparts. Normally shy in nature, they love to make friends, or even a possible mate with someone to bear children for.(they have a different pregnancy, instead they birth a naiad, which is connected to a river. They are basically like sea and pond/lake nymph combined)
These nymphs have the ability to control a little amount of water, they can also form water from the air around them.
This nymphs diet consists of only water, they can't eat solid food.
When pregnant, these nymphs normally start dripping water and have to stay in one place until the dripping stops, once it does, they leave the place and situation.

Tree nymphs info:
As children, the parents are always with the child, they are not allowed out of the mother's sight, or they may die easily. They learn at a young age that their kind are used more as toys for the other species.
These nymphs look heavily like any of their tree sources of life. For example, the tree is a redwood, the nymph would be extremely tall, have long red hair, and have light reddish brown skin. Her dress may go how she likes. Most likely it will be short but poofy like the leaf of her tree.
When a tree nymph is pregnant, she coughs up a seed of her child after a week of being pregnant. Once this is done, the seed should be planted, and watched over carefully so the tree sapling has enough of what it needs. After a few weeks of growing, the life source should have fully formed, creating a baby form for the child to appear in.
Tree nymphs can grow plants from the sun showing on them and using their energy to grow plants faster. They can also sacrifice some of their own life to heal or try to help another living thing.
They are strictly to a only plant diet, they cannot physically consume meat.

Earth nymphs info:
Earth nymphs are all males. There is little to no percent chance of having a male Earth nymph.
Earth nymphs are connected to minerals and volcanoes. Often, when Earth nymphs are born in pairs, a volcano appears and connects the life force of all the children.
These nymphs wear tunics and sometimes robes, normally the nymphs connected to a volcano wear robes. The color depends on what they have their life source as. Like if one nymph was connected to an emerald, their tunic would be all sorts of greens.
Females often wear the same tunics or robes as the males do, they are also much much smaller in size than the males.
Pregnant female Earth nymphs often find a cave to give birth in, once they do, they have the woman bits torn to shreds from the birthing process, the child is too big for them. The mother normally dies to this, and the child must live without them.
These nymphs have the ability to heat up or harden, some can even create fire. Others have the ability to melt and be a moving liquid.

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