A colorful festival

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A beautiful, bright Saturday morning came. The birds were chirping, even a rainbow formed on the sky from the small early-morning rain. All of that...for Ting to snore laying on her face until at least 5pm. However, this day instead of letting her sleep like she wants to, Tianji pulled her from bed just for lunch this time. Why is that? Well, this day, a festival was going to happen from 10am 'till midnight. There were going to be many small and big shop stands with accessories, food stands, fireworks...ah, so exciting! Tianji couldn't wait to go! When it came to Dikui, he really didn't care that much, he wanted to leave the house anyways, but Ting...oh that lazy slug. Head on the table, not eating her brunch, still snoozing. "Ting!!" Tianji smacked her on the head not-so-strongly to not make her mad. "We're leaving in half an hour, you have to eat!" "Where are we...going again? Zzz..." Ting did not care. Tianji wanted to yell it with words, but instead he shoved food in her mouth and forced her to swallow. "*gulp* Gah! What the heck! Okay, I'm awake." "Great! :)" he answered and ran off to the balcony to see the festival. "Ahhh, so bright and cheerful, I MUST see what it has to offer!" "You mean the festival?" Ting was now awake but still not very amused. "Yes! It's been so long since I've been to a festival...I don't even remember the last time I went!" "It was with me. Also ouch that you don't remember." Dikui said with a deadpan face. "Ah! Sorry! Well, let's get ready, especially you Ting, and let's head outside!" After getting ready, which meant waiting 10 extra minutes for Ting to dress, they finally left the house (of course with the gods being in human form). It was sunny and warm, and there were quite a lot of people walking in the streets. "We're going to be here until the end, I want to see those colorful things explode in the night sky!" "Fireworks?" Ting was dragged along by Tianji. "Oh so that's what it's called!" They walked around and went to different stands all day. There weren't many food stands, because most were opening in the evening. When the evening came and all the light lit up, more and more people came and it was really crowded. They decided to move somewhere without so many people. "I'm so tired from walking...I need to sit down." Ting sat down on the grass, the two sitting next to her. "I'm kinda hungry...but I don't have money with me, ugh." she groaned and laid down. Dikui turned into a cat and ran off. "Where is he going?" she was kind of annoyed that he left without saying anything. Tianji laid down too and they just stared at the sky. "The fireworks will start soon." he said while closing his eyes. "This whole festival...it reminded me so much of the one me and Dikui went to very long time ago, the one he mentioned today. It was one of my favourite days ever." "Was it that great?" Ting asked. "Of course, wherever he is, you know it's going to be great. You know, many gods judged him for his cold looks, but he is very nice and sweet inside. I hate that they prejudice him." "Let me guess-you're the only one that sees him in the good way because you're his best friend...something something destiny something." "You actually got it right." "At least the manga I read is useful somehow. But, if you want to dump your feelings for him onto me, do not do that please, I will cry in tears of a single adult." "Feelings for him?!! As in...love feelings?! Nononononono, that is wrong and stupid! How could I- would he even- nnnevermind, be quiet." "Aaaaaalright, dummy brain!" He gave her an angry face when Dikui returned with a paper bag in his mouth. "*gasp* You got me FOOD! I was about to die in an hour's time!" Ting snatched the bag and pulled out a corn dog, literally devouring it. "Not even a thanks? Okay." Dikui, in his human form sad down next to them. Tianji took one corn dog from the bag too. "How did you get this? You have money?" he asked while about to bite into the food. "Let's say I...played a little spy." Tianji looked around and then started yelling in whispers. "You stole the food?!!" "Okay fine, but this thing over here needs to survive and who's going to notice anyways." They all ate the food and after a while, the fireworks started. It was a little too loud for Dikui, so he covered his ears, but seeing Tianji glow in amazement from the show made him smile.

Oof, this one was even longer! I have to learn how to make SHORT stories, not entire damn chapters. But If you who are reading this are liking it so far, let me know how you feel about this!
Until next time! ^v -

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