An Introduction

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In a world where battles and wars are fought against monsters like orcs, demons, minotaurs, and other mythical creatures you'd only find in video games, lies two very powerful very opposite people.

First you have The King. Although The King is his title, no one knows his true name for good reason. He is strong with a heavy sword, The King strikes monsters with his dragon sword. But for The King he fought for a single reason. The love of his life, his girlfriend whose title is a mere Captain. He fought for her and took her to all his fights. It was like she was his reason to fight and live.

Then you had the second most powerful player. Her title is The Battle Princess. She fights with a small rapier sword and she was quick on the battlefield. Swift that it almost looked like she was dancing. Her rapier sword was called the Aqua Blade and was able to produce attacks with water. She fought for no one but herself. She kept few around her but all those that she considered friends were powerful in their own classes.

Both The King and The Battle Princess were already fighting beasts on the 50th floor where they both acquired items to make the dragon sword. Although only The King was known to use that sword in battle. No one knew if The Battle Princess had all the material to craft it let alone actually use it in battle. The rumor was that The Battle Princess was missing one key material for the sword. A dragon scale. The dragon sword is the most powerful sword to have while living in this world.

But this story starts on the battlefield. 

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