Chapter 2

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Back in town...

The King was celebrating in the local bar on that floor with his girlfriend close by his side. "Drinks on me boys" he cheered as he scanned his fingerprint to buy another round. There was even more cheers as their drinks refilled. His girlfriend chuckled and drank her drink as well. The King looked around but The Battle Princess was nowhere to be seen as usual. She always retires back to her home hidden in the forest away from everyone.

The King was about to buy the next round of drinks when he spotted something interesting in the corner of his eye. The love of his life was handing someone in a hood what looked to be like the currency of their world. He raised his eyebrow in curiosity. He was then dragged away to buy another round but he did make a mental note to ask her about it later.

The night party went on and people were cheering and drinking and simply enjoying themselves a little too much. Many of the players were drunk and hitting on any female they set eyes on interested in finding a partner for the night. The King's girlfriend herself had many offers as well but she kindly turned them down and returned to her boyfriend. Finally it had calmed down and the barkeeper was cleaning up. He glanced at The King and his girlfriend whom were helping him clean. "Thank you for helping out" he said. The King shook his head. "No, Barkeeper thank you for putting up with all of us tonight" he told him. The Barkeeper shook his head. "If you didn't buy them all drink King they wouldn't have stayed long" he told him chuckling a bit. The King's girlfriend had finished cleaning her end of the pub and went over to The King and the Barkeeper. "Barkeeper if you don't mind, I'd like to steal away my boyfriend for the night" she said latching herself to his arm. The Barkeeper chuckled "Of course you two are young. Sorry for keeping him from you" With that The King and his girlfriend left for the night.

The King was settling into bed in a hotel for the night. He hadn't yet bought a house seeing how he just had no need with how much training and traveling he still did. Plus he is such a high level there has never been a lack of money for him to rent hotel rooms. His girlfriend curled up next to him and snuggled up to him. "Hey handsome" she said dragging her nail up his abs. He glanced at her. "Who were you handing money over to at the pub?" he asked her rolling over and looked at her. She tilted her head confused. "What are you talking about babe?" she asked completely clueless. Her hands pressed against his chest. "I saw you," he said. The King grabbed her wrists stopping her hands from going down to his belt. "Why were you handing money over to that person? And who was that person?" he demanded.

The girlfriend scoffed and with a change of attitude got out of bed. "Clearly you were drinking way too much to say something like that." she said. She changed into her battle gear. "I think tonight I'll sleep in a different bed since you seem to be out of sorts," she told him with a small hmph. "Wait!" he called to her sitting up in bed, but she walked out with a slam of the door before he could stop her. He groaned and threw his head back causing the wall behind him to crack a little. With a roll of his eyes he turned over and went to sleep for the night. 

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