A couple weeks later...

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A couple weeks later...

The King was in the training grounds. He went like doing what was called the battlegrounds. It was an endless fight of 20 rounds against different monsters with no healing. If you lost your health you were kicked out. Strong players played to make top rankings. Other players did it to challenge themselves or test out their equipment. But players like The King would do it as a stress relief something he was greatly in need of at the moment. He and his girlfriend of three years had hit rough waters and things were awkward along with them not spending as much time together.

The King entered the training grounds where the attendant met him. "Welcome King" she said smiling. "What would you be interested in today?" she asked. "The battle ground" he stated. "This way" she said and led him over to a male attendant behind a velvet rope colored red. She disappeared in pixels. The King looked at the male attendant called Attendant 2. "A round of the battleground" he told him. Data went through Attendant 2's eyes. "I'm sorry for the inconvenience but the battlegrounds are currently in use" he told him. "Who is using it right now," he asked. More data went through Attendant 2's eyes. "The Battle Princess. Would you like to watch her fight?" he asked him. "Yes" the King answered.

Up on the TV screen The King was able to watch The Battle Princess fight. He watched her fight three rounds before he noticed something. "Has she been fighting like that the whole time?" he asked Attendant 2. Data went across his eyes again. "Yes" he told him. The King looked up at the screen again. What he had noticed was that The Battle Princess wasn't using any of her sword powers. She was purely fighting using just her sword slashing the monsters down. Even he, The King, used the powerful abilities of his Dragon Slayer sword to beat those levels. But here he was watching her trudge through it. He glanced at her own health bar seeing it only half full. It was clear she had taken hits and damage but she was still winning.

Finally she reached level 20. The battlefield opened with her Aquablade in her hand. An abnormally large troll appeared before her. She took her battle stance her sword already glowing blue. The beast roared at her but the fight was already over in her eyes. "Aqua" she started out her blade glowing even brighter blue. The troll slammed his bludger down onto the ground trying to hit her but she was too fast and was already in the air. "Rhapsody" she called out driving her blade into the troll. Water swirled around the blade like a cone before it shred through the troll's torso. The troll stopped moving and turned to pixels. Just like that she had set a new record of under ten minutes beating The King's record by seconds. The King's eyes widen in shock. She had beaten his own personal record.

The Battle Princess stood there having just defeated the troll. She was breathing hard out of breath. Her struggle is what was driving her. The blond haired girl turned and looked at the battle clock. Nine minutes forty five seconds. She had beaten The King's record by fifteen seconds. Taking a deep breath she collected herself and exited the field. Finally going through the tunnel healing her health and mana back to full as she entered the Training grounds where she came face to face with The King.

The King turned to look at her. The Battle Princess looked up at him smugly. "Congratulations on beating my record" he told her."But I'll be getting it back soon enough" he scoffed. She rolled her eyes as she walked past him. But she stopped not far past him. "That's the first thing I'm going to take from you King" she said. Turning to look at him she then said, "I'm coming for your title." she boldly stated. The bold statement caused all the players to turn and look at the two. They looked like they were about to battle right there.

"Since you're too slow to register it I'll repeat myself." she squared him off. "I'm coming for your King title. I will be the Queen." she told him once more. All he could do was stare he was stunned by her words. "I'm going to become better than you and then I'll have the Queen's title" she told him. With that she walked out of the training grounds leaving the poster boards filled with rumors and talks. Players sent private messages out faster than ever before. And The King? He was just left shell shock by it all.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 24 ⏰

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