You left

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And you left me, without a single goodbye. I should've expected it, but it was still a surprise. 

I met you on a dating site, I was going through some things so I invited you over without a care in the world. You were going to be a one night stand like everyone before you. 

I walked you to my room and noticed you were very inexperienced, so I asked some dumb questions to break the ice. Hours later we were sharing stories and discussing our favorite genre of music. I should've known then, that you weren't going to be just a one night stand.

Then I came right out with it. Told you to drop your pants. I let you pick some music to make you comfortable being as you mentioned I was your second. We laughed the whole time we fucked, it was great. And then I did the unspeakable and let you stay the night. I should've sent you on your way, it would've saved me from a world of hurt. But I messed up.

You see I missed human contact, not in a sexual sense I had my fair share of that. I missed being seen, feeling like I was actually important. I missed having somone to talk to and you filled that void.

We ended up keeping in contact, talking on the phone for hours on end. I got distracted and decided my studies weren't as important as you. I poured my heart and soul into you. Then you broke it off, I knew it wasn't completely over. I just knew.

Weeks later we were us again. Me and you. Then your friend mentioned that I was just a fuck. I was ready to walk out. But I decided to let you explain yourself.

You told me you could never do that to me. You lied. But I was infatuated so I believed you.

Your friends words ate away at me. I couldn't take it. So we talked about it and you assured me it not at all what he said.

Then you left me. Without a single goodbye. No explanation, no text; nothing.

You blocked me, unfollowed me, blocked my number. And you left me, without a single goodbye. I should've expected it, but it was still a surprise.

So now, I'm done. I'm done with men and their lies. I'm done living this life. Because of you, I still sit here wanting to cry. I just wish you would've given me at least a goodbye.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 23, 2023 ⏰

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