Chapter 3

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Kianna was left in a state of shock. She couldn't believe the words that had just come from Zira's mouth while the two orbs of mana that she was holding were steadily growing and now quivering on the verge of exploding.

"I'll tell you everything," Kianna said, her voice wavering slightly.

Zira's eyes narrowed as she asked, "Why did you erase my memories?"

"I had to," Kianna explained, her voice tense. "Werewolves are dangerous, Zira. And you can't be with one. You're a priestess, the only white mage since Lilith. We don't know when the next one will appear."

Zira felt a bitter taste in her mouth as she realized it was still about her position and not her as a person. She couldn't help but wonder if Kianna saw her only as a tool to be used for the benefit of their clan.

"You can call me selfish," Kianna said, pacing back and forth with her hands clasped behind her back. "I suppose I am. But you're an Agnes, a priestess. You have a responsibility to your people. And that werewolf... whether he's your mate or not, he is not right for you."

Zira's frustration grew with each passing moment. "Who are you to decide what's right or wrong for me?" she demanded. "I have the right to make my own choices."

"But what about the other mages?" Kianna retorted, her voice dripping with contempt. "What will they think if they find out you're involved with werewolves? I'm only trying to protect you and your position."

Zira's jaws clenched in anger. "Did you even give me a choice?" she snapped. "No, because you want to control every aspect of my life. You want to manipulate me like a puppet."

"I didn't realize you saw my guidance that way," Kianna said, her voice softening.

Zira let out a bitter laugh. "Your 'guidance' is nothing but a guise for control," she said, her eyes flashing with anger. "If Lianna didn't return, I'd be a fool with no idea what you were up to behind my back. For more than nine months and who knows until when."

Kianna pressed her lips into a thin line. "I can't do anything if that's what you think of me."

I can't do anything if that's what you think of me.

Those words echoed in her head.

"Who erased my memory?" Zira demanded, her voice sharp with anger. Her heart raced as she waited for Kianna's answer. She admits that she's scared to know. "Don't even try to lie to me. I can find the answers myself, Kianna. And you don't want to know what I'll do next if I catch you in a lie."

The room was silent except for the sound of their breathing and the pulsing mana threatening to cause damage anytime.

Kianna looked away for a moment, then back at Zira. "Know that I was the one who told-"

"Just tell me who it was!"

Kianna's mouth opened slightly, and she looked at the orbs of mana blazing on Zira's palms. She let out a sigh. "Fine," she looked at her. "It was Keon."

Zira's heart skipped a beat. Keon was one of her closest friends, and she trusted him implicitly. The thought that he could have betrayed her in such a way struck her.

"Was-" she cleared her throat after her voice trembled. "Was it just the memory of werewolves?"

"Yes," Kianna nodded, her stares observing if she accepted the responses.

"Tell me what you did to me after the ritual and who you were with," Zira said, her voice shaking.

"Zira, it's been nine mo-"

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