{💙New Guy In Town💙; part.1}

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The turtles were on patrol around 1 am on a Saturday

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The turtles were on patrol around 1 am on a Saturday. It was a good thing mutants didn't require that much sleep, and they could patrol when crime was most active. Night was mostly quiet, with a few thieves or just gang members here and there. Roof jumping building to building never got old for them. It was such a surreal experience flirting with death when just jumping off and trying to make it to the next building.

Traveling throughout Manhattan they landed in Yorkville and decided to sit on top of one of the easier to get to apartment complexes. With the noise of passing cars and honking occasionally, typical for the city that never sleeps. Leo was standing while his brothers chatted, looking out towards the city. Hoping for anything that could keep them entertained.

"Remind me why we're freezing our asses off still?" his very patient brother, Raphael, asked.

"Not sure, but it'll come soon. Don't worry Raph, you can pummel the next guy causing trouble we find." the blue-clad leader assured the latter. Only getting a scoff in return, but not one that indicated aggression or replacement for backtalk.

Mikey began twitching which meant he was getting bored and needed something to take his mind off it. Digging through his pockets, Donnie took out a fidget cube and tossed to his younger brother who 'ooed' in excitement. Smiling at the interaction, Leo turned his attention back towards the city, this time catching a strange shadow figure hop roof to roof.

"Let's move, quickly! Mikey put that thing away." he ordered as he ran off with his brothers following behind in confusion, but didn't say anything. They were moving and chasing something, that's all that mattered.

Suddenly the figure turned and jumped over the street and landed on a building on the other side. Turning again heading in the same direction they were going before. Leo knew they couldn't make that jump. Their weight held them down, and the width of the street was a problem too.

"Did I see that right!?" Mikey yelled next to his brothers riding on his hover-board Donnie made him.

"You're not alone little brother!" Leo responded as they continued chasing the figure now sprinting. They jumped on a water tower bounced off it with a sharp right heading off into Midtown. The turtles followed with good distance as to not be noticed.

Finally the figure slowed down and perched on top of one of the apartment buildings. Not knowing the brothers were behind them trying to be quiet but were panting from the excessive running. Keeping up with this person had made the night more interesting than it was when they first emerged from the sewers that night.

Stepping up slowly, trying not to make sound on the concrete beneath his feet, Donnie used his goggles to scan the person looking down at the street beneath them. Donnie froze and removed his goggles quickly. His brothers looked at him like he was crazy.

"You're a mutant." he said to no one in particular and his brother's eyes widened. A mutant? The three of them stepped out of the shadows and looked at the person, now getting a better look. Donnie was right, he was a mutant, a bunny mutant to be exact.

"Yup." they said now standing up, turning around towards the brothers and walked off the edge getting closer. Then pulling of their hood showing of the white fur and ears that were tied up together. "I'm Usagi Miyamoto. But my friends call me Sagi, hopefully that's what you guys are." he introduced himself without hesitance, getting the attention of the youngest brother.

"Wassup, brah! I'm Michelangelo, call me Mikey. These are my bros, Raphael the strong one. Donatello the brains, and our oh-so fearless leader Leonardo who is master swordsman." he said making the rabbit mutant examine all of them. Their outfits reflected their personalities well.

"Nice tattoos, wish I could get some." Usagi complimented the three who had ink on them.

"Thanks, you're pretty difficult to keep up with ya' know?" Raph said trying to start conversation. The rabbit boy smiled.

"Thanks, it wasn't hard to speed up knowing how far behind you guys were," he explained shocking the brothers. In response he pointed to his ears, and they nodded in understanding.

"I like your spots." Leo said not really knowing what else to say, he would compliment the sword at the shorted mutants hips but that wouldn't make sense because it was sheathed.

"Really? Well that's sweet of you, normally people don't mention them. It's nice for a change." Usagi rants while reaching up to his right upper cheek where the small black spots were. "Anyway, I should head back home, it's getting late for me and my friend will kill me if I'm late for training. She's always cranky in the morning." he said cracking his neck in the process. he pulled up his hood and jumped up going over Leo. Landing on the edge of the roof and jumping again launching himself towards the second building behind him and sprinted off into the alleyways below.

"Who would have thought there were more mutants, huh Leo?" Donnie asked his brother who kept staring at the alleyway the rabbit boy disappeared into. He hummed in response receiving some looks but left it alone. At least for now.

Luckily that wasn't the last time they saw of the rabbit mutant. They next caught him in Upper Manhattan talking to a wolf girl mutant who had a grey hoodie on and black cargo pants. She had sickles at her sides and had black tape around her feet. Her fur was white and she had brown eyes. In contrast to Usagi who had grey ones.

They all chatted and introduced themselves finding put that her name was Uki. Not her birth name but she changed it because it meant something special to her and it was from her ethnic language before she was mutated.

The boys didn't bother pushing the topic further. If they were actually curious Donnie could just tell them. After some convincing, mainly from Mikey, they brought the two mutants to meet Splinter.

"How does your dad look like?" Uki asked Raph. They were similar in someways but her voice was more calming than his. At least according to Mikey.

"He's a mutant rat. I would ask not to freak out, but I don't think it's necessary." he joked making her slightly chuckle. Usagi and Leo were behind the others walking through the sewers.

Leo looked down slightly at the guy next to him. They were tall but Usagi was definitely smaller than him and his brothers. Uki was taller than him as well. Slightly surpassing Mikey and almost Leo.

Must have been because she was part wolf, he thought. Usagi glanced at him and he looked ahead quickly getting embarrassed that he got caught staring.

"You know it's okay to look at each other right? Not like it's forbidden." the rabbit boy amused making the turtle leader chuckle. After reaching the lair and meeting Splinter the mutants were just interacting with each other. Leo kept giving glances to Usagi here and there and it didn't go unnoticed by his red bandana'd brother.

"If you're gonna kiss him just do it." he teased making the older ninja roll his eyes and look back at the white rabbit talking to his nerd brother. Raph smirked but headed off into the training room along with Uki who pulled out her sickles and got ready for a quick sparring match.

This would be weird to get used to, but he was glad they had more friends. Ignoring his brothers previous remarks, he sat down on the floor next to Usagi and smiled at each other. Pulling their attention from each other, they conversed with Mikey and Donnie.

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