Blackhole Shenanigans

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Six adventurers made their way through a large canyon. Blissfully unaware of the impact that the next few minutes would have on their lives. Two enormous red clay cliffs rose either side of the group, protecting them from whatever all those things standing on the edge and staring down at them were. There had been an attempt at trying to decipher exactly WHAT those creatures were, but ultimately the travellers gave up after a couple of extended looks. "They really just look like monkeys..." but they don't, actually. These carbuncles have 5 eyes and 7 tails. So we should probably first discuss what really qualifies as a "monkey" before assigning them any sort of classification. Even if the "cliff residents'' (which is what they have decided to call them in absence of a better nomenclature) do happen to have 5 eyes and 7 tails, and even if they do appear to come in many different nauseous colours if looked at in the right light, they still possess every other apparent physical aspect of a primate. Then, DO they classify as monkeys? Would making that classification help at all? Well this last query is simple; yes. For the group, acknowledging the possible existence of multiple rainbow coloured monkeys with 5 eyes and 7 tails is a lot easier to accept than the fact that a new, horrifying, disgusting, purplish, greenish, brownish atrocity is treading these lands. They've seen enough. Who can blame them, honestly. Well, aside from the revolting freaks on top of the mountains, they would probably have a different point of view. Three completely new points of view, to be exact. But enough about the villainous opabinia-like demons looking down the cliffside, I assume not everybody is as curious as I am to find out which circle of hell they belong to, the focus of this story, after all, are the six friends walking through the valley.

Every noteworthy adventurer must have some sort of title, and it just so happens that these chums each possess one of their own.

First, there was the Alchemist. He supposedly was the decision maker, the commander, the captain, the mover and shaker, the boss; and that was very clearly indicated by his awe-inspiring visor. The man always tried his best to be a good, stern leader, but ultimately his benign soul prevented him from ever making any kind of tough calls. He usually resorted to calling a democratic vote whenever there was a choice that he didn't feel comfortable making. This tactic proved itself to be inefficient when it was only him and the Huntress, since most ballots would result in a stalemate. But, in time, he learnt to simply vote what his friend was voting for, that way there would always be a winner. Eventually, he was forced to make a tough decision that would force him to change his method: it was at the neon-lit Chill Pill bar, an unspecified amount of time ago. Him and the Huntress were discussing a strategy that would help them obtain some sort of rare magical artifact, when a young girl with white hair approached their table. The Huntress immediately fell in love with her and asked her to join them in their wacky, outlandish adventures. But the Alchemist wasn't too content with his friend's decision...

The Alchemist: "I don't know... She could be evil."

The Huntress: "Evil? Come on! How could she be evil? Look at her, she's the sweetest thing that I've ever seen! Evil people usually have red horns and look terrifying... like your cousin!"

The Alchemist: "My cousin is the nicest person I know."

The Huntress: "Think about it, she could be the NEW nicest person you know!"

The Alchemist: "Okay, fine, let's put this to a vote."

The Huntress: "What? Your cousin being evil?

The Alchemist: "No, wow, my cousin is fine. He just doesn't shower very often. I was talking about the girl."

The Huntress: "I thought we weren't going to use your voting system again."

The Alchemist: "Well, I want to try it one more time."

The Huntress: "Alright, let's vote! I vote we let the girl-"

Mila: "Mila."

The Huntress: "-Mila, come along with us as we travel to the castle and defeat the evil king! Then, we can share the reward with her. Wait, what was the reward again?"

The Alchemist: "You know that's not what we're doing, right?"

The Huntress: "Of course I do, I just wanted to throw her off track. Go ahead, what do you vote?"

At this point, the Alchemist remained silent for a moment. The Huntress had a smug look plastered on her face. She was convinced he was going to vote what she voted, like he had in the past.

The Alchemist: "I vote no."

The Huntress: "What? That won't work, we voted for two different things!"

The Alchemist: "Huh, you're right. I guess we'll have to retake the vote."

The Huntress quickly looked at Mila, then looked back at the Alchemist.

The Huntress: "Okay, I vote yes."

The Alchemist: "I vote no again!"

The Huntress: "We're not getting anywhere... how about this; try voting "yes". I think that would make this work."

The Alchemist: "I just don't know if we can trust her yet."

The Alchemist turned to Mila, as he prepared to employ a plan of action that years of reading books containing situations similar to this one helped him develop: the infamous "Show us we can trust you, and we'll let you come" manoeuvre.

The Alchemist: "Show us we can trust you, and we'll let you come."

Mila looked at both of them for a second, then pointed at something on their map.

Mila: "This is where it is."

The Alchemist's face curled up in shock. He was clearly shocked. And anyone could tell. On account of his facial expression.

The Alchemist: "How do you know what we are looking for!? And how do you know where it is!?! Are you psychic!?!? Are you EVIL psychic!?!?!"

Mila: "No. I heard your friend scream about it from the other side of this bar."

They both turned to look at the Huntress. The Alchemist's gaze turned into a glare as she explained that according to multiple professional tests her voice was deemed just SLIGHTLY above standard levels.

The Alchemist: "Mila, you know, if you want to come with us you need to be able to take care of yourself."

This was when Mila first showed her powers to the two, by making a glass of water completely vanish inside of a tiny black hole. That seemed to have changed the Alchemist's mind. After seeing what that girl was capable of, he decided to let her tag along. After all, they needed as much aid as they could come by.

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