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HEAVILY INSPIRED BY THIS☝️SONG! IT IS THE THING KEEPING ME ALIVE! Also, important to note, I haven't given you as much power in the story, meaning I've made some desicions just because. It may be a bit annoying for some readers, so if you don't seem to like this fanfic, go check out my other ones, their all a bit different.

"HAHAHAHAA! The ninja really defeated the sons of Garmadon? They really did us a favor this time. Hahahaa!" It was just too funny. The ninja took out the biggest competition we had, and all on their own. Zero sat quietly and fiddled with his fingers while Joy and Shooter joined in the manic laughing.

"HAHAHAHAHAhAHhahahahAHAhahaha... *cough, cough *COUGH!" Joy's laughing started off strong, before dying down and turning into coughing. Zero patted her back gently while Shooter sighed.

"What have you been eating now, gun powder?" Shooter said and picked up a dart. He aimed over Joy's head, and hit the old dart board close to the center, avoiding the bullseye by mere millimeters.

"Tch! Mind your own business." Joy's happy mood turned upside down in an instant. Zero was quick to flail his arms around and tried to calm the two down.

"Shut it Zero!" Joy yelled. It was quite ironic, since Zero hadn't even said anything. Well, not like he ever does.

"Eh, whatever, at least we aren't stone statues anymore. Ugh, those 'Oni' give me heebie jeebies." Shooters laid back attitude returned as he pulled out a gun a spun it around his finger. Zero turned to me and spoke in sign language.

"Now that the Oni catastrophe is over and the SOG have fallen, we should be getting a lot more members."

"That's right, the flock grows." I felt my smirk grow on it's own.

"Can we finally go back to the streets? We've been camping for way too long!" Joy yelled as she pulled out a lollipop from her pocket, removing the wrapper, and sticking the candy in her mouth. 

"I think so too, since the Sons of Garmadon can't be the kings and queens of the streets anymore, it's time for us to step up." Shooter proposed. I nodded, we had indeed been camping for way too long. I turned to Zero, he nodded along. 

 "How's everyone's squads?" I asked.

"We've set our sights on the next art audition. There should be expensive pieces."

"We want arson."

"The police have managed to gather information on our pasts and even managed to catch onto some of our 'hang out' spots from the ninjas' testimony."

"WHAT?!" Joy shouted after Zero spoke. Zero nodded a couple of times before Shooter spoke. Now all the excitement from before was gone. The ninja are helpfull... Helpful yet fucking annoying. 

"What? What did Mr. Silent say?" Joy groaned and repeated Zeros words to Shooter. That guy really needs to learn sign language. And get a better code name. Shooter growled under his breath. There was a moment of silence as Zero spoke.

"There is no word about the ninja specifically knowing about us, they probably just passed on random info on accident. What should we do?" 

"...Joy, what was it that you said before?" Shooter asked as Joy tilted her head.

"What? We want arson?" Joy repeated as Shooter turned to me expectingly. I smirked and quickly scribbled a red circle around Ninjago's head police department before throwing the paper to Joy.

"Go crazy."

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Dragon and Hydra (Ninjago x male reader)Where stories live. Discover now