That sounds like bullshit to me

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I have made a few changes to the story in Ninjago, so if you see something that doesn't add up, just ignore it.

"Put down your weapons!" Cole commanded Joy and Shooter, but the two didn't seem to take him seriously at all.

"We don't take orders from the likes of you!" Joy scoffed and stuck her tongue out at the ninja as Kai scoffed right back at her.

"You're making it sound like we're the bad guys!" The two sides then shut up, refusing to talk to each other. In the silence, Zane sneaked away and got himself changed into a spare ninja suit, and grabbing one for Lloyd as well. He just set it near him, since he couldn't change into it anyway, as long as he was bound to Hydra at least.

"Tell them to put their weapons down." Lloyd said to Hydra without ever turning to face the one he was talking to. Lloyd and Hydra were standing, almost shoulder to shoulder, their hands still cuffed together. Hydra gave Lloyd a glare before he sighed and gave his two team-mates a look. Shooter and Joy looked surprised, as if they weren't waiting for this outcome.

Hydra rubbed the bridge of his nose as Shooter reluctantly placed his gun down and Joy slowly took a hand-grenade from her pocket. But then she placed her finger onto the safety pin of the explosive, ready to pull the small ring off and blast the whole Bounty to smithereens with a smile.

"No, put it down. For real." Hydra quickly said as Joy's smile dropped, and she laughed nervously before carefully putting the grenade down and raising her arms up. Kai kicked the gun away before reaching out for a rope to tie the two with, when Hydra spoke again.

"Leave them be, they won't cause trouble for you." Lloyd pulled his hand towards himself, making Hydra's other hand tug as well. 

"We won't?" Joy asked as Hydra gave her a smile.

"No, you won't." Hydra repeated with an annoyed glare as Joy frowned.


"May I be released now, I'd like to have some mobility as well?" Hydra asked Lloyd, who shook his head.

"Nope, and I don't need to explain why, do I now?" Hydra rolled his eyes at Lloyd's words as the other ninja scattered around, Kai and Nya staying to watch as Joy and Shooter just stood on the deck awkwardly. Cole picked up Joy's grenade before stuffing it in some corner where its original owner would not find it. Once Cole returned, there was a small silence before a certain blue ninja 'coughed'.

"So, excuse me but... WHAT IN THE NAME OF THE FIRST SPINJITZU MASTER IS GOING ON!?!?" Jay shouted loud enough for the whole Bounty to hear. He could even have shouted a little quieter, and the whole Bounty would have still heard him.

"WE DON'T KNOW WHAT THE FUCK IS GOING ON EITHER!!" Joy shouted back, just as loud as she turned to Jay with a glare. Zane was quick to step between the two.

"Now, now. Let's calm down before we talk, I'm sure we can end in a better solution that way." Neither the ninja or the blood Serpents wanted to agree, but Zane was right none the less. After everyone had shut up, Zane casually sat down onto the floor of the Bounty, and waited for the others to do the same. Everyone did so, Lloyd and Hydra sitting down last, due to a few wordless communication problems.

"Let's recap what happened out there, from at least three perspectives." 

"Three?" Kai let out as Zane nodded.

"One from me and Lloyd, as the captives. One from our three captors, and one from the rest of you." It did make sense, so no one questioned it further. But no one started talking about the subject at hand either, so Zane took it upon himself to start.

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