Woah, yet another biker gang?!

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To Lloyd, the boy's sharp (e/c) eyes felt like they had pierced through Lloyd's soul, and left a hole, a big one.

"So you are the leader?" Lloyd questioned as the boy glared at him and Zane a few times, before scoffing.

"Strip him." The boy didn't give him an answer, and instead stated a clear command to the red haired girl while pointing at Zane before he himself stepped closer the green ninja. Zane took a step back, but upon hearing the sound of a gun being loaded, he stopped, and raised his arms up. Zero held the gun against the back of Zane's head as another person spoke up.

"Wooow, it's your lucky day, Joy. You get to finally undress a man! Oh wait, oh, Zane isn't a human, what a shame." The voice of the boy who had kicked open the door laughed as the red haired girl turned red from rage herself.

"SHUT UP SHOOTER!" She yelled as 'Shooter' ran a hand through his yellowish-blonde hair. 

"That would be considered sexual assault." Zane spoke suddenly in a voice clear as day as the room somehow went quieter than it already was.

"Uuhhhh, so am I still going to, you know?" The red haired girl, or 'Joy' sounded uncertain, but the (h/c) haired one didn't seem fazed. 

"Strip him, of his gear. If he's got nothing under those, just give him something from the laundry." The boy spoke as he looked at Zane up and down.

"It doesn't matter anyway, he's a Nindroid for fucks sake!" Shooter snarled as the (f/c) haired boy and the red haired girl stepped closer to the ninja. The red haired girl basically ripped Zane off his gi, thankfully the white ninja wore a pair of white pants and a white long-sleeved shirt under it. Zero lowered the pistol he was holding and tied Zane up hastily but with skilled hands, as if he was a professional at it. He kicked the back of Zane's knees and forced the white ninja to sit on his knees on the floor as Joy squat down next to Zane's clothes.

"Any trackers? communication devices?" Zero motioned as Joy looked through the pile of clean white clothes.

"Yeeeeeep, but they aren't on right now, I think." She said and removed the tiny metallic parts from Zane's gi, and handed them to Zero, who put them into his pocket. The (h/c) haired boy then leaned down and first ripped Lloyd's hood off, but was stopped by Joy before he could do anything else.

"Eh, boss? You really gonna strip the green ninja yourself? Wouldn't it like, taint your hands or..." Joy's voice gradually got quieter as the (e/c) eyed boy threw her a glare before shrugging and standing up.

"If it bothers you, you can strip him too." Joy looked rather shocked by the answer, why that was became... not clear, but clearer once the red haired girl and (h/c) haired boy passed each other.

"And don't call me boss,..." The last part was said so quietly that Lloyd couldn't hear it, but it made Joy's face pale, yet a wide and rather... unsettling smile formed on her lips and she chuckled, before ripping Lloyd of his gear as well. She gave the communication device and tracker to Zero, who then sat down in a corner of the room, and started dismantling the tiny pieces of technology.

"What now?" Shooter asked as Joy started pouncing up and down happily.

"Burn them! Slice them! Ask for ransom money! Anything!" She stared intently at the (h/c) haired boy while she spoke, waiting for him to say something. Lloyd flinched as the (h/c) haired boy smirked, and at him of all people.

"Hmm... What does the green ninja say?" Joy stopped for a moment before backing off, as if she was used to this kind of behavior. The boy walked over and squared in front of Lloyd, who was now wearing only his green undershirt and a pair of shorts. He grabbed Lloyd's chin and gave the green ninja a smile, which seemed more friendly than threatening for a very short second.

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