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Aditi yawns as she unlocks the door to her bakery. 'Lucario' has gotten rave reviews from most of the local magazines and newspapers. Stepping inside, she flicks the light switch and glances at the clock - 4 am. The early hours and lack of social life because of it is her only regrets about going into this business. Her mind drifts to Chirag and how he'd always get up early enough to have a pot of coffee ready when she'd pad into the kitchen with her eyes half open.

But that's not something to base a lifetime commitment on. She cares about him and understands his lingering antipathy towards her. One day, she hopes he'll come to realize that they made the right choice for not only her but for him too.

Her bakery is in one of those little stores on Sixth Avenue street. It's a quaint little building with a hand-painted sign courtesy of Aishwarya. Once inside, her customers are greeted with a delicious aroma that captures everything good inside the shop. Coffee, various cakes, Danish pastries, cannoli, lobster tails, and cookies, each lovingly made.

The place is light and airy, and the front of her shop is all glass with potted plants. The decor is modern yet has a rustic charm at the same time. The cafe tables are chic and almost everything is white or mid-grey. The coffee is rich and full-bodied, she grinds the beans daily. Her pastries and baked goods are a feast for the eyes as well as the palate.

 Her pastries and baked goods are a feast for the eyes as well as the palate

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"Morning, Aditi," Tanishq greets her and goes directly to the coffee pot.

"Hey... Do you want to start on pastry dough? I have to start the wedding cake."

"No problem," he takes a long pull from his coffee cup. While Aditi slips into her apron and covers her hair with a net, Tanishq finishes his coffee, does the same then gets started on today's batch of delicate and delicious pastries.

Shubham glances at Nikita as they drive down Broadway Avenue in his Cadillac Celestiq convertible. "What am I going to do without you? It's not like someone can step immediately into your shoes."

"I won't leave until I train the new girl, Shubham. Relax, would you?"

"How can I relax? We've been together since the beginning?"

She shoots her arm out and pats his thigh. "And it's been a helluva ride but I want to get married and have kids, that's not what you want."

"I didn't say I didn't want them, I said I didn't want them now," he arches an eyebrow at her.

"I'm not getting any younger Shubham. You're my best friend and part-time lover, but be honest, we'll never be more than that. I understand, I do but I'm at that point in my life that I need more, Manik gives me that."

"He's a great guy, I know he's good to you... I'll miss you, Niki."

"You can call, I'll always be here for you. Who knows, maybe if she needs a night off or gets sick, I could still fill in?"

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