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Shubham enters the stage with an enthusiastic round of applause. He scans the room, nodding slightly when he sees Aditi. Raising his arms to quiet the crowd, he places his palms together to thank them. Stepping over to the microphone, he addresses his fans.

"Ladies and gentlemen. I'd like to introduce the water torture cell. The original design came from the greatest magician of his time, Harry Houdini. October 29, 1914, is the first time he used it. "I'm going to read to you his words. "Although there is nothing supernatural about this, I am willing to forfeit the sum of 1,000 dollars to anyone who can prove that it is possible to obtain air inside of this torture cell when I am locked up in it in the regulated manner after it has been filled with water. Should anything go wrong when I'm locked up, one of my assistants walks through the curtain, ready to rush in, demolishing the glass, and allowing the water to flow out to save my life. I, Houdini, October the 29th, Nineteen Hundred and Fourteen, Flatbush, New York."

The crowd oohs and awes. The energy is palpable.

"As you can see, this is a more modern-looking version of it but it works on the same principle. Nikita," he calls, then the curtain opens to reveal her and a black-haired woman pushing it onto the stage.

Nikita then shows off a strait jacket, holding it up so Shubham can slide into it. She fastens the contraption while the other girl slaps a pair of handcuffs on his wrists.

First, Shubham's feet are locked in stocks that bind his legs together in heavy wood and a solid steel lock; next, he is suspended in mid-air from his ankles with a restraint brace; and finally, he is lowered into a glass tank overflowing with water, and the chamber door is locked with steel locks to the top of the chamber.

A curtain is raised over the tank while an accompanying orchestra plays eerie music for two entire minutes while the audience waits with rapt attention.

Aditi is leaning forward in her seat, her chin in her palms and her nails between her teeth as she glances back and forth between the tank and the clock ticking away the seconds that pass like hours.

When the clock hits the three-minute mark, the curtain is lowered revealing a dripping-wet Shubham as he lifts himself out and climbs down the ladder.

The audience jumps to their feet, the thunderous sound of applause drowning out everything else in the room.

Aditi's palm flies to her chest in an attempt to calm down her frantically beating heart. When she can hear herself think again, she sits back down to catch her breath. Moments later, Shubham appears again in dry clothes ready to make more magic for his fans.

After the show, a security guard accompanies Aditi backstage. "There you are," Shubham greets her.

"Nikita, you remember Aditi?"

"Yes, yes, Lucario's owner," her eyes gleam mischievously when they drift from Aditi to Shubham. "That lobster tail was to die for. When my parents come to visit, I'm going to order some for carryout. How much advance notice do you need?"

"At least 48 hours," Aditi blushes under her scrutiny.

"How did I do?" comes from behind them and Aditi turns to see the dark-haired woman.

"It's only your first night, don't beat yourself up," Shubham moves closer to Aditi.

"This is Aarya," she's training to take my place on the road. We worked it out so I'll still perform with Shubham here in San Diego but Aarya will be traveling with him as soon as she's done with her training," Nikita explains, the line between her brows becoming more prominent as she stares at him.

"Nice to meet you," Aditi extends her hand, hoping to break the tense atmosphere.

"You too," Aarya shakes her hand. She looks a little downcast for a brief moment when she notices the way Shubham's looking at the girl.

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