Tell him

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The sun streams through the windows, yet Aditi's mind is clouded with grey. Her moods ricochet between low and lower. She has no energy or motivation to get done the mountain of work that awaits her. So, she sits in her pajamas and turns on the television. After an hour of flicking the channels and eating Peanut Butter Cereal, she gets a text.

Aishwarya is raving about having a sleepover. Aditi breaks into a grin despite herself and replies. After twenty minutes she bounces up and gets dressed, the melancholy bitten back for the moment.

Christmas is fast approaching. The casinos are all decorated merrily in their holiday finest. Santa's and decorated trees are everywhere. The fountains at Rancho Valencia are dancing to holiday classics. The pirate ships at Treasure Island are covered with lights. Everything is so merry and bright. However, California averages in the '50s in December so there's no snow, no real snow that is.

She and Tanishq have been busy making Spritz, Christmas cut-out cookies, wedding cakes, gingerbread men, home truffles, and mints. They've also been slammed with orders for cannoli, every flavor from the plain white ricotta to pistachio, expresso, chocolate chip, amaretto, and Oreo filling. This time of year, she uses her cake decorating skills and fashions holly leaves, and berries on each one. Garima decorated the bakery, making sure to put a sprig of mistletoe above the door.

"Tanishq, I'm going to run to the market. We're nearly out of vanilla," Aditi slips off her apron and grabs her jacket.

"Can't you just run to the store on the corner?" he brushes a smudge of flour off of his forehead.

"No, Tanishq. I'm going to run over to see Samuel. He gets that vanilla from Mexico. It's the best," she looks at him before stepping outside and into the chilly weather. Today has been overcast and the breeze is brisk. She wraps her scarf around her neck while she walks quickly down the street to her friend's store.

Carolers are walking down the street in their period costumes, singing songs of the season. She pauses to listen to God Rest Ye Merry Gentlemen. Clapping vigorously, Aditi thanks them before continuing to her friend, Jesus' store. A Salvation Army Santa is ringing his bell just outside the building so she drops some cash in his bucket.

"Thank you, and Merry Christmas," Santa smiles at her and with a twinkle in his eyes, pulls the door open for her, allowing her to enter.

"Hello Aditi," Samuel's wife, Miriam greets her.

"Merry Christmas," she smiles at the older woman. "I need some of that special vanilla. Please tell me you have some?"

"We just restocked. You know where it is," her voice trails off to wait on another customer.

Aditi watches her for a few seconds, her bright smile and her exceptional people skills. Sighing, she turns to go pick up the vanilla, both liquid and beans when she slams into a hard body.

Aditi?" Nikita steadies her when she starts to wobble backward.

"Nikita, hi," her eyes widen when she catches a glint of light reflecting off the ring on her hand. "You and Manik?"

"Yes, we're getting married but not till Shubham returns."

"Congratulations," Aditi's truly happy for them but melancholy soon washes over her face. "How is he?"

"He's trying to keep busy; his tour has been a massive success; every show has sold out within minutes."

"That's great...," she sighs and looks blankly out of the window.

"It's none of my business, Aditi but I know for a fact that he's crazy about you."

"Nikita, don't" she shakes her head.

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