Casa De Kenji

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Hey guys! I just wanted to say I know it seems like nothing going on right now with you and Ben but trust me when I say the following few chapters are gonna be FILLED with Ben and (Y/N) stuff. So just hold on if you want to see that.

Also, I just want to thank everyone who's held out for the story cause I have a terrible uploading schedule. Thank you, and I will try to upload better.



The others were helping Darius up the boat after he finished tapping up the hole. We haven't been able to properly fix that hole, but it's the most we got till we can find something better.

I was at the front of the boat and Bumpy and Ben were in the back so we didn't create too much weight on one side. For the past few days, I'd been busy nursing Prince's cut. It wasn't infected, but it cut deep enough for stitches.

"I'm sorry boy, but this is gonna hurt," I said, taking in a deep breath as I steadily held a needle and thread. I hovered the needle over his skin before quickly piercing it through and pulling from the other side. Prince waddles and screeches in pain, but I continue to stitch up the cut.

I hate that I'm hurting him but I have to if I want him to get better. Brooklynn walked to the front of the boat, almost getting hit by Prince's wing as he slam it in front of her.

"Woah!" She said as she jumped back.

"Sorry, I'm stitching up Prince's cut," I said, finishing the last stitch as Prince lets out a final screech. I pulled up the needle, all stitches tightening together to close up the cut. I grab one of my arrows, cut the thread, and finish the stitches with a knot and bandage cover.

"There you go," I said, gently petting him to soothe the pain. I walk to the other side of the boat, seeing everyone help Darius up.

"We gotta fix that hole or the gas would be the least of our problems," Daruis said as he was lifted onto the boat.

"I thought having no GPS would be the least of our problems," Kenji said as he descended the ladder.

"What about no toilet paper?" Mat asked as he descended the ladder after Kenji.

"There's no toilet paper?!" Brooklynn asked shocked.

"Yeah and uh, not to add to the doom and gloom but..." Yazmian said before the boat's weight shifted and we leaned further down. "Pretty sure we're also sinking."

"Nah. We're just riding low in the water because of uh..." Kenji cleared his throat, turning our attention to a glaring Ben as he kneed down with Bumpy on the edge of the boat.

"Do not listen to him. You're perfect the way you are." Ben whispered to Bumpy oddly loud. "Isn't there some non-Dino infested dock we can get to?" He asked, returning to his normal voice.

"The closest one is on the other side of the island." Brooklynn said leaning against the ladder with the map in her hand, "We'll never make it." She sighed, "We're doomed and gloomed."

"Ha! Hold up!" Kenji suddenly shouted out. "There is another dock not far from here. A private dock that's not on any map." He ran to the edge of the boat, standing on top of the edge. "The dock near the 'P-House'." We all stared at him blankly and confused.

"I went before we left," Ben said, the awkward silence only more awkward.

"No, not the--" He stammered, "My dad's penthouse. There's a private pier and everything."

"And you're just telling us this now?" Yazmina asked wide-eyed.

"Okay, well maybe I forgot. But now, we have a magic keycard to get inside so... meh." Kenji replied unapologetically.

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