Chapter 11:

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Zhanghao hesitated, but stood up, and walked over to the younger boy.

"C'mon, I don't bite, unless you want me to" Hanbin spoke, whispering the last Part.

Zhanghao sighed, but sat down on hanbins lap nonetheless. It looked more like he was sitting in between Hanbins legs, but no one said anything about it.

Hanbins arms automatically circled around Zhanghao's waist, pressing the older closer against his chest.

"Just because I am Doing This it doesn't mean I'm enjoying it" Zhanghao hissed.

Hanbin leaned in closer to Zhanghao's ear. "Your heart says otherwise, it's beating Really fast"

Zhanghao's face paled, as he was left wordless.

"Hanbin hyung, truth or dare?" Gyuvin asked, everyone anticipating it since Hanbin was the only one who hadn't been picked yet.

"Dare" he said confidently.

"I dare you to kiss your favorite person in here!" Gyuvin smiled evilly.

To be honest everyone was expecting Hanbin to go Kiss Matthew, since they've been friends for so long, and Zhanghao knew that.

But it still made his stomach have bad butterflies. The Kind of ones that make you want to throw up. The ones who make you feel insecure and so damn inferior.

Hanbin seemed to contemplate it for a second, before placing a chaste Kiss onto Zhanghao's cheek, who was looking down at the very interesting floor.

"Awww" everyone cooed, Zhanghao unable to lift his head.

But when he did lift his head, Hanbin was already staring at him.

"Why do you Look so surprised that I kissed you?" Hanbin frowned, trying to maintain his eye contact with zhanghao.

"I expected you to Kiss Someone else, nothing more" Zhanghao pretended like he didn't care, but he could still feel the younger boys lips lingering on his cheek.

He hoped he wasn't too red.

Hanbin went back to facing Zhanghao's back, hugging him from behind.

"I don't want to kiss anyone else" Hanbin whispered, so softly, That Zhanghao barely heard him.

He felt a small Kiss on the back of his neck.

Another one. And one more.

"I'll give you the Rest later"

Hanbin was clearly trying to kill him.


When they had finished playing, they just started to Talk about random stuff, and then when it was getting late, everyone went back to their own room.

Just as Zhanghao was about to stand up, he felt something in his hoodie pocket.

It was a Note.

It Said: meet me on the rooftop at midnight.

When the fuck did he have time to write this? Zhanghao wondered.

But he wasn't going to question Hanbins tactics, checking his watch, which showed that it was half past Eleven pm.

His roommates had decided to go to sleep already, since they needed to be in a good condition for tomorrows practice.

He changed from his Shorts into grey sweatpants, keeping his purple hoodie on.

He laid in his Bed, waiting for the clock to strike 00:00 so that he could go.

When it finally did, Zhanghao didn't waste a Second, nearly tripping on his way out.

He silently closed the door, walking hastily upstairs.

He opened up the familiar door, seeing the familiar figure in the position he was always in, leaning against the railing.

"You found the paper" Hanbin smiled.

"When the hell did you even find the time to do all that?" Zhanghao asked.

"A master Never reveals his secrets"

The older boy rolled his eyes, looking up at the sky.

"Do you miss China?" Hanbin asked suddenly.

"Sometimes. I miss my family most of all. But, not really the place. There wasn't much to do Where I lived. I like places that are full of life" Zhanghao answered honestly, trying to find the words on how to keep speaking.

"I would like... like to travel someday. Go to all the big and famous cities, but also the small ones that are hidden. I want to experience Life in all it's ways"

"Can I come with you?"

"Where?" Zhanghao frowned.

"When you'll go travel. Can I come with you?" Hanbin explained.

"Do you want to?"

"I don't like flying, but if it means seeing how Beautiful you Look while you Talk about your passion, I want to see the Look on your face when you'll realize your dreams. I want to be there with you through every important, and every small step in your life, hao hyung" Hanbin went to Hold Zhanghao's hand as he talked, looking into the olders shining eyes.

"Will you let me accompany you?"

Zhanghao nodded, not knowing why he felt like tearing up. "I would like some company"

And then Hanbin smiled and Zhanghao just couldn't do it anymore.

He threw himself in Hanbins arms, hugging the younger boy around the neck.

Hanbin hid his face inside the crook of Zhanghao's neck, inhaling the scent that had started to feel like Home.

"Why are you doing all of this, Hanbin?"

"I think you already know why," Hanbin started off, holding Zhanghao's cheek, stroking it.

"You know, the first time we talked, you had me completely smitten. The way you spoke your name was different, the way we fit together so amazingly was different, and it was all I could think about. Before you I had never experienced this feeling. You make me feel better, you make me want to behave in the best way possible, when I'm with you, I'm the best Version of myself." Zhanghao's eyes had started to become glossy, as he was trying Hard not to start crying.

"I love the way your Voice sounds, I love the way you fit into my arms as if you were made to be there. I love the way our hands somehow always end up holding. I love the way we're so similar but so different at the same time"

"I love you, Zhanghao" Hanbin whispered, having spoken every word with nothing but sincerity.

"I love you" he said again, this time in Chinese.

Zhanghao had Never felt This way before. He felt like his heart was going to explode, his stomach was Full of butterflies, his hands shaking.

Never had Someone loved him This much.

And Zhanghao knew, That if he didn't kiss These damned lips that he had wanted to kiss for so long now, he would never have the courage to do it.

So he closed his eyes, grabbed Hanbins hoodie, and kissed him fiercely.

It took a Second for Hanbin to realize what was happening, but his hands quickly went to hold Zhanghao's waist.

He pulled the older boy closer, deepening the kiss.

They only stopped when they were out of breath, Hanbin placing his forehead against Zhanghao's.

Zhanghao looked up, and when he saw Hanbin smile, Zhanghao gave him the biggest smile back.

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