Random update: Materials.

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This is are the things that I use do draw! I'll tell you the names of the materials!

The markers that are in the bottom that are like full color, are Faber Castle (?), the ones besides them, that have orange, are Staedtler, both of em' are 20.

All the black markers above, are sharpies! My eternal favorite brand.
The ones that have gray, beside the sharpies, are; Staedtler, and the ones beside them that have black, are also, Staedtler.
The las ones are pens and pencils!❤️
I'm doing a big drawing right now, soooooo, I'll probably update today or tomorrow xD

Random question of the day:
What is your drawing weakness? D": , mine are humans, trees, hands, cars and feet :c
Bai bai!!
Love you all!❤️〰

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