UglyPen sketch + Little pause.

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It's bad. But meh, I just wanted to update something :v I've gone through some pretty dense mind stuff. *sigh* I don't really like what I draw anymore. I probably should just take a break. Do some exercise, take fresh air. Because people don't really like my art anymore....:v okay. I don't know why I have been receiving  bad  messages. People think my art is boring and unoriginal. It kinda hurts. Thinking in all the effort and excitement I put onto it. But I guess it's like that. It mostly relies on the talent, originality and charm that the artist has. Characteristics that I probably don't fit.'s kind of sad how other books grow super rapidly, and mine doesn't. Ok. I think mental adolescent depression is taking over me :v. And things have been going on so.......... I'm so sorry for ranting. Bruh......please don't hate me. I'll proooobably be back on Christmas. Probably.

Ill stop updating for a while. But I think I'll be back once in a while. Without updates though.

Thanks. Goodbye

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