Artist facts about meh ❄️

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Nominated by Emilia0001 ! Let's start >:3

1.- Half a year ago, I had never been interested in finishing a drawing xD. I just doodled random stuff in my arms and legs

2.- I still can't draw descent eyelashes. Or arms. Or collarbones. Or noses. 😂

3.- 95% of the times that I draw something, and actually finish it, I don't feel satisfied with the result 😂

4.- realism isn't my thing.

5.- I want badly some prismacolor markers......and some spectrum noir.....xD. But they're so expensive ;-;

5.- i love painting with oil and pastels❤️ but markers will always be my BAE.

6.- my dream is to see one day, one of my paintings, or drawings, being exposed in a pop art museum! Or in a museum :') . Also, to see one of my drawings/ paintings in a home. Just showing of its beauty ❤️🌸

7.- i love to use as much color as possible in my drawings🌷 though, sometimes I'm lazy and I don't xD.

8.-the main reason of why I see other art books is to learn, admire, praise and help :) Most of them are absolutely excellent! And I try to learn as much as possible, only by contemplating. So! If you have an artbook of any kind, be sure to comment it! I'll be sure to check it out😉!

9.- in my world, there is something that I like to call, "BAE artist". I use this term to categorize the artists that I admire and love above the rest xD. Some of them are, Kyoux, Assasin Duck, Jhon - Lock, TincenMarincek, ( or something like that xD). But here, my BAE artists are Emilia0001 , SaitheVivana , theNaNa525 , LiaEvans815 , OTAKU-NATION , Cyarynn ,xAnimeangel , TheSilverWolf94 .

10.- next week, I am officially doing an oil painting. I'm so exited! Tomorrow I'm going to buy all the materials.

If you are reading this, and you are an artist, your officially nominated!! >:3

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