Chapter 1

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Aries dropped his fork when he heard his father's news. "C-could you repeat yourself, father?" He asked. His father, Duke Phoenix Arlington, looked up from the newspaper he was holding. He looked at Aries with a cold expression. His wife, Monoceros, smiled nervously. He hoped Aries wasn't too shocked by the news.

"Like I said," Phoenix repeated, "You will be marrying Gemini Luxer." Gemini was a commoner and the son of Phoenix's loyal advisor, Volans. Aries and Gemini have interacted a couple of times, but it mainly consisted of Aries degrading Gemini for being poor and not a noble. Phoenix took a sip of his coffee. "Maybe this will teach you not to be an ass to your fiancé."

"Father, if I could state my opinion," Aries started. "How will the people react if they find out I will be marrying a commoner… one that has a genetic mutation." Aries was referring to Gemini's albinism. He was always creeped out by Gemini's purple eyes, and it was unnerving. He looked over at his mother. "Mother! Why did Father approve of this pointless marriage?"

Monoceros shook his head dismissively. "Aries, darling," he said gently. "This could be a good thing for you. Volans's son is a well-mannered boy, and he is certainly ready for the royal life. Even if you two aren't that close of friends, it doesn't hurt to try." Aries was in disbelief. He growled and shot up. He was the heir of the Arlington Duchy, and he would be marrying a commoner. He scoffed.

"I'd rather marry that snobby Vela Cromwell than a lowly commoner," he spat before heading toward the slightly ajar door. He saw two pairs of yellow eyes peeking through and rolled his golden eyes. His younger siblings, Circinus and Musca, were spying on their conversation. Aries opened the door and saw the two fall into the dining hall.

Phoenix sighed and set his mug on the table. He looked over at Aries. "Such a shame…" Gemini was ecstatic to be your fiancé. He seemed to forgive you for your relentless bullying," he said. Aries froze, and he slowly turned around. What did his father just say? Phoenix smiled faintly. "It would be such a shame to tell him that he won't be able to live his dreams."

"Never… mind," Aries intruded. He smiled smugly and rubbed his jaw. Circinus looked up at Aries with concern, and he looked back at his father. As the second oldest, Circinus knew about the tension between the two. He knew that Aries respected Phoenix to a certain degree, but he knew Aries also despised him. Phoenix only made Aries the heir because he knew the power Aries held, and he knew that Aries would make the Arlington Dukedom strong and powerful.

Aries looked his father in the eyes. "I will marry Gemini," he said.

"Good," Phoenix said. "Now, I need to talk to you about school."
"I…I thought they stopped the Honor Program," Gemini said with awe. He looked at the gold edged paper, detailing his admission to the prestigious university St. Julian Academy. The academy had an honor organization for students who couldn't afford to attend the school. It was a full ride scholarship to the school that paid for all the honor student's expenses.

However, the operation was shut down after an incident that happened twenty years ago, and now the academy was restarting the scholarship. It was different. Instead of choosing multiple students every year, they would choose six students every four years, and Gemini was one of the fortunate students.

Gemini grinned and held the paper close to his chest. Volans smiled gently. He was glad that Gemini was one of the fortunate honor students. He was sad that he couldn't provide for his family, but his job did pay him well. Being Duke Phoenix's advisor did give him a lot of money, but most of the money went to paying for bills and restaurant utilities. His husband, Cetus, owned a small restaurant that barely made revenue, and it was on the verge of closing down.

Volans wished he could do something to save his husband's business, but he didn't know what to do. He looked at Gemini with a gentle smile. "You know… you know that Aries will be attending the same college as you," he said. Gemini froze and looked back at his father. He blushed and smiled gently.

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