Chapter 8

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The Outcast Club, what the honor students called themselves, hangout spot was at a café known as Lemon Berry Café. The owner was a kind and sweet person. He had the same condition as Gemini, so Gemini felt less insecure of his condition. "Gem, do you know why Aries is taking a month off of school?" Scorpio asked. It was weird that Aries suddenly announced that he wouldn't be attending any classes for a month. It was out of the blue and out of character for the future duke.

Gemini smiled to himself. "I asked him too," He said. The others let out a gasp. Sagittarius was shocked that Gemini got the school tyrant to leave school. Gemini chuckled. "He'll be back soon, but he really needs to be away from school. Everything he has done is a response to trauma."

"Really?" Leo asked, genuinely intrigued. He knew something was wrong with Aries, but he didn't want to pry Gemini about it. Gemini knew Aries the best. He was pretty much raised along beside the heir since their fathers were close friends. "I'm sorry if I sound rude, but what do you mean by that?"

Gemini smiled weakly. "Aries and his father aren't on the best of terms," he answered. "His father was really strict around him and would punish for making a small mistake. It's been happening since he was seven, and it messed up his head." Leo slowly nodded. Capricorn covered his mouth in shock and disgust at the rest of Gemini's explanations. After Gemini finished explaining, he said, "I feel horrible because I've seen everything first hand, and I was too scared to intervene because if I did, my father could have been fired or worse, killed."

Capricorn slowly nodded. "I understand. You're so patient around him. How is that possible?" He asked. Anybody would have gotten fed up with Aries's tyrannical behavior and cut off all interaction with him. He was overbearing and wouldn't listen to anyone else's opinions or concerns. Gemini looked down at his fingers. He looked at the silver ring. He smiled weakly.

"Because I love him," he answered in a soft voice. "Even if he is a crazy man, I still love him. I know all the things that happened to him, so I'm making sure to take the proper steps to heal his trauma and his inner child. If I don't, then… I'm a horrible person, and I couldn't help the one person who needed it most."

Scorpio felt a single shed of tear, and he quickly wiped it away. He looked over at Virgo. His bottom lip started to quiver, and he sniffled. He hid behind his hands. He knew how Gemini felt. Sagittarius looked at Scorpio, and he frowned solemnly. He rubbed Scorpio's back gently. Sagittarius looked at Virgo. He sighed. If Libra brought happiness towards Virgo, then Sagittarius could tolerate it. As long as Libra made Virgo's happiness his priority, then he wasn't going to be against the engagement any longer.

Leo nodded. "I see," he whispered. Gemini looked at Leo with a sad smile. Leo smiled back, and he grabbed Gemini's hand. "Gem… I admire your hard work to help Aries." Gemini nodded slowly.

"Thank you."
Taurus was in charge of the Big Six while Aries was gone. Aquarius sighed and looked out the window. He squeezed his penguin plush tightly and turned around to face his cousin. "Is this the right decision?" He asked. "Should we be harming the honor students?" Taurus looked at Aquarius and shrugged. Aquarius furrowed his brows in annoyance. "Look! My dad may have told me to be wary of commoners, but they seem nice and trustworthy! I don't think we should be harassing them."

Pisces nodded in agreement. "They're very nice," he added. He smiled at his jade bracelet. "Leo is so charming."

"Look, I can't do anything about Aries's orders," Taurus started. "If he says we harm those four, then we harm them. It's his orders, not mine." He didn't agree with the rule or the law of the academy, but he had to abide by them. Even though he wasn't directly involved with the four honor students, he had Octans make their life hell. However, he didn't want Octans to be near Scorpio.

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