Chapter 13

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Pisces looked at his jade bracelet. He lowered his brows. "I'm so pathetic," he whispered. He looked out the floor-to-ceiling window wall of his bedroom. It had a view of the entire city of Gransfled. There were Saint Estrixia decorations all over the city. The street lights were red and green instead of the yellow fluorescent lights. Pisces leaned his head back in agony. He covered his body with his large weighted and heated blanket. He let out a sad sigh as he looked back down at the jade bracelet.

He didn't know why he didn't stop Canis and Chameleon's bullying. Those two were idiots and had the worst grades in the entire school. Pisces froze when he saw Leo's broken nose. He realized he was a coward with no actual power. He was in the Big Six yet he had no actual power. He could feel himself crying. He shook his head and got out of his bed. He needed a drink.

He walked out of his spacious bedroom. He heard his parents watching movies in the living room, but he didn't care. He walked to the fridge and opened it. He grabbed an unopened whiskey bottle and tore the wrapping off "I'm a fucking loser. I don't deserve Leo," he grumbled as he poured the golden-brown liquid into a wine glass. "I couldn't even protect the guy I liked." Pisces froze. He looked down at the overfilled wine glass. The whiskey was dribbling down the side of the glass and onto his hand. His other hand, that was holding the bottle, was frozen in the air. Pisces slowly set the bottle down on the counter.

He let go of the bottle and cup. He covered his face as he let out a loud sob. He kneeled onto the tiled kitchen floor and curled into a ball. "I'm sorry. I'm so sorry," he cried quietly. He wanted to see Leo. He wanted to apologize for the hell he forced Leo to go through. He wished he had gotten to know Leo better.

Lacerta rushed into the kitchen, and she cooed. "Pisces, darling, what's wrong?" She asked as she kneeled down beside Pisces. Pisces let out a choked sob as he hugged Lacerta tightly. He tried to explain himself, but all that came out was a mumbling and gibbering mess. Lacerta ran her hand through his brown hair gently. Cygnus walked into the kitchen. He was holding a large bucket of popcorn as he walked over to his wife and son.

Pisces took a deep breath as he wiped away his tears. "I like this guy, but I'm mean to him," he whispered. "I saw get bullied, and I didn't do anything to help him. I feel horrible." Lacerta slowly nodded.

"You're not at fault for this," she reassured.

"But I am! The Big Six allowed the bullying to happen, and everyone knows I'm a part of the Big Six! I allowed it to happen because I'm a coward!" Pisces screamed and let out an agonizing cry. He had a horrible feeling in his stomach since the initiation of the rule. He grabbed his brown hair in anguish and scornfulness. Lacerta and Cygnus looked at each other with concern. "I'm an evil person! I don't deserve to live!"

"Pisces!" Cygnus exclaimed. "Don't say that! You had no power over it, and it isn't your fault." He kneeled down beside Pisces and fixed his strand hair. Pisces looked up at Cygnus as tears ran rapidly down his cheek. His eyes were wide with guilt and hatred; hatred towards himself. Cygnus rubbed Pisces's back gently. "The only person at fault is the head of the Big Six. He made the decision without consulting you or the others." Pisces shook his head slowly.

"I... I wish I could be better," he said in a hushed voice. "I want to make things right between me and Leo." Lacerta nodded.

"Then you could try to shut down that rule... and apologize to Leo."

"Okay, mother... I will. I will."


Capricorn walked into the kitchen. His dad, Equuleus, was marinating the beef ribs for the Crawford-Williams Barbecue party. His pop, Draco, was wrapped his arms around Equuleus's waist. Equuleus and Draco were capable of having biological children of their own, but Equuleus feared pregnancy. He hummed a small tune and looked back at Draco. Draco smiled and kissed Equuleus on the lips.

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