Chapter 30

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It had been a year since the Honor Student graduated. Gemini and Aries's twins were three years old, and they resembled their parents more than ever. Draco ran throughout the corridors of the Arlington Duchy, screaming loudly as he chased his younger twin: Octans. Octans let out a cry as he ran to his father's study. He tried reaching for the door, but he was too short. "Daddy! Daddy!" He cried. Tears rapidly ran down his face as he saw his brother inching nearer. Draco was holding a dirt ball, and he was ready to dirty Octans's pale blue dress. "Daddy! Daddy!"

The door opened, and Aries peered out. He gasped when he saw Draco dirtying Octans's dress with the dirt ball. He let out a chuckle and grabbed the chiseled ball out of Draco's hand. Draco was in the terrible threes, and he was a mischievous child. He liked terrorizing Octans and his classmates, although he would get upset when someone would mess with his brother. Draco let out a loud laugh and pulled out a much smaller dirt ball, but there was worm wiggling out of the ball. Octans let out a scream and ran behind his father.

"Okay Draco, stop," Aries demanded and grabbed the dirtball. He picked up Draco and poked his nose. "You've been a bad boy. How is mommy going to react?" The only time Draco acted well-behaved was when Gemini was around. Draco whimpered and crossed his arms. He puffed his cheeks as he looked away from his father. Aries and Octans walked into the study, and Aries walked to his desk. He closed his laptop and walked to the couch. He sat down and picked up Octans. Octans was upset that his favorite dress was ruined.

"You meanie," he sniffled and gently punched Draco's shoulder. Draco stuck his tongue out. He saw the door open, and Gemini walked in, carrying a young two year old: Mensa. Mensa clung onto Gemini's shirt tightly as he looked at his older brothers. Gemini let out a hearty laugh when he saw Draco and Octans reaching out for him. He wondered what even happened to cause the twins to be so clingy. Then he noticed Octans's dirty dress.

"Oh my darling," he gasped. He walked over to the two and kneeled down beside Octans and Draco. He looked over at Draco with an inquisitive smile. "Did you do this?" Draco looked off to the side and puffed his cheek. He didn't want to get in trouble or else Gemini wouldn't make his favorite rainbow brownies. Gemini grabbed Draco's hand gently. "Draco... I'm going to get mad at you. It's okay. You can tell me." Draco's bottom lip quivered, and he nodded slowly. He hung his head low.

"I'm sowwy, Oco," he murmured. Octans sniffled and wiped his tears. He smiled and hugged Draco tightly. Although his brother was a terrorizer, he still loved Draco with all his heart. Gemini smiled softly. He looked up at his husband and stood up. He sat down beside Aries and pressed a gentle kiss on Aries's cheek. Aries chuckled and kissed Gemini's cheek. Being a father was tough, but it gave Aries a sense of fulfillment and joy. He loved his children with all his heart. He wouldn't be a father without the help of Gemini.

He smiled at Gemini. Gemini was the best person to have ever come into his life. He helped Aries through his trauma and struggles. Aries was glad to be Gemini's husband, and he didn't want it to be another way. The twins hopped off their father's lap, and they ran to his desk. Draco helped Octans climb onto Aries's chair. He hopped onto the chair and started scribbling in Aries's planner. He laughed mischievously as he drew a cartoon sun in the corner of the page.

"Daddy! Daddy!" Mensa exclaimed as he reached for Aries. Aries chuckled and picked up the young boy. Mensa hugged Aries tightly. He grinned and laid his head on Aries's shoulder. Gemini giggled as he rubbed Mensa's back gently. Mensa was extremely clingy, and he was a daddy's boy. He loved Aries with all his heart. Aries chuckled and kissed Mensa's forehead. He knew how much Mensa loved him. He looked over at Gemini for help. Gemini giggled and tried prying Mensa off of Aries, only to earn whines from their youngest. Mensa grabbed onto Aries's cheek. "No! No! No! I want Daddy!"

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