Flashback:Learning His Best Friend Was Gone

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Oftentimes,Riff Lorton found himself reminiscing about the moment that he was told the news about his best friend. That his best friend was gone. The moment he learned of the passing of his best friend Tony Wyzek. The moment that his world was shattered beyond repair. That he lost his best friend. That Tony didn't survive what happened to him that same night. The night that the Rumble had happened too. It was that same night that his best friend had met his dying day. Tony died and Riff lived.

Shortly after the Rumble,Riff was surprised to have woken up,to have lived. He was in a hospital and as soon as he regained consciousness is when he realized that. Riff wondered what happened to the Jets. Were they alive? Were they captured and sent upstate? What about Tony? Was he sent upstate? What happened to Tony? He can't recall much of what happened right now. Only thing he remembers is when something was in his stomach. That was all. Riff looked up and the door opened and he saw Officer Krupke and Lieutenant Schrank as they walked in, they didn't seem happy.

Riff asked,"What's happening right now? Why have you guys come to see me?" Officer Krupke and Lieutenant Schrank shared a look as they pondered how to tell the Jets leader about what had taken place right now. How do they tell him his best friend was no longer here? That he'd lost his life? They figured it was just easier to tell him. Officer Krupke took Riff's hand in his and said,"Riff,this is not going to be easy to hear but we'd figure it be easier to just tell you." Riff looked at Lieutenant Schrank who nodded his head without saying a word. Lieutenant Schrank grabbed Riff's other hand and said,"After what happened at the Rumble,we had learned that someone was after Tony. And that this person was in possession of something that was used against Tony. This someone was close to Bernardo who hadn't survived the Rumble."

Riff was confused and then Officer Krupke said,"This someone who was close to Bernardo had decided that since Tony ended Bernardo that they were going to end Tony. And they used what they were in possession of against Tony and ended him." Lieutenant Schrank said,"Riff,what we're trying to get at here is that Tony lost his life. That someone used that thing they had with them to end Tony's life. We are so sorry Riff. We know how close you and Tony were." Riff pondered this information quietly. It dawned on him that they were telling him that his best friend was gone. Officer Krupke and Lieutenant Schrank watched for reaction. Riff was silent before he began to scream and thrash, calling them liars,"No, you're liars. Tony is not gone! Send him in or take me to him! My best friend is still alive not gone! How dare you guys lie to me like that?!" Officer Krupke and Lieutenant Schrank didn't let go of Riff's hands. They were trying to keep him restrained and they knew it was either this or he is strapped down. Officer Krupke said,"Riff,we are not lying to you. It's true." Riff shook his head. Officer Krupke and Lieutenant Schrank nodded their heads. Officer Krupke said,"Riff,I know this is sad. But you need to just take some deep breaths. Just take a deep breath. Deep breaths Riff." Riff's breathing was erratic and fast,short.

Lieutenant Schrank said,"Riff,breathe. In and out. Just take some deep breaths Riff." As the thrashing got extreme, Officer Krupke and Lieutenant Schrank were trying their best to make sure Riff is restrained by their hands and they get his breathing calmed before it became a medical issue. Releasing Riff's hand and seeing Officer Krupke grab it, Lieutenant Schrank said,"Riff,look at me. I know this is hard for you but we just need you to take deep breaths and relax." Riff looked at him and resisted Officer Krupke's hands pinning his own hands firmly but gently. Lieutenant Schrank pinned his shoulders firmly but gently. Riff continued to thrash around and scream. After a few minutes, Riff went to sleep. Officer Krupke and Lieutenant Schrank knew that he must've wore himself out. Lieutenant Schrank let the nurses know what happened and they took care of Riff.

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