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I was abandoned as a child, my parents left me in a box with a blanket, nothing else.

I didnt know what they looked liked, what they thought when they left me, did they feel sad? Did they not care?, what reason did they have for leaving me?

I didnt know.

But its not like i cared anyway, most of the time abandoned children would always ask questions about theyre real parents, but why ask anyway.

Nothings gonna change.

Days after i was abandoned a few girls found me in the box, they decided they should take me home for a while and try to find my parents.

They tried to find my parents, they put up posters, they told the police, They tried to find who was the people who had given birth and was supposed to take care of the small child.

but they couldnt find them.

And now that they couldnt, They were hesitant, they didnt know what to do, they felt bad if they left me in an orphanage, they thought a child like me should live a normal life, but they were still so young to take care of a small child.

But they came to a decision, they wanted to adopt me, and make me apart of their family, since one sister was over 18 she was able to be a legal gaurdian and adopt me.

My new sisters were interesting, but they made me happy.

I lived with them for some time until my two elder sister, Ayame and Akemi started training as Geisha Apprentices and they werent always home, but they finished theyre training a year later and made quite alot of money.

And my other sisters also did the same following behind our elder sisters footsteps.

But enough about my tragic backstory, lets talk about my School life next.

Most people when they see me assume that im a girl because of my appearance because im short and i have a feminine face and body, some of them had a crush on me and confessed to me.

Unfortunately i told them i was actually a boy and i felt bad about crushing their dreams about dating me, but what can i do? Not like i can change my gender.

But one person who confessed to me told me that "they didnt care which gender i was and me being a femboy was better".

As a response i ripped up their love letter and left them sulking, they deserved it anyway, i mean come on.

Though i do have some friends at school im really quiet and i rarely speak and only talk when necessary, its not that im shy to speak i just feel that it takes up alot of my energy to.

And also most of my friends are girls, and no, im not those guys who fake their sexualities so they'll be able to hangout with girls cause they cant pull one, Theyre Tomboyish and lesbian/bisexual, and i support them and think of them as my sisters too.

Actually im very popular and the reasons are, 1. Because im a pretty boy and 2. Im an outstanding japanese football player.

i play for my schools football club as a midfielder but im also a striker, Since im very flexible i use it to score goals when im in a pinch.

But not only that, i can understand and analyze the field within a few minutes,i predict the players movements and use it as a way to win.

And ive gone to nationals a few times before and won most of the time,lucky me.

Anyways i guess thats all about me, i'll tell you more next time.

Prologue kinda inspired by how saiki introduced himself in the first episode lmao
(This is so shit)

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