Chapter 11

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Nicole's POV

I wasn't sure at first whether I should say yes to this date. It seems like a no brainer to say yes because Brandon is an amazing guy, but I can't forget what Matt did. It makes it hard to trust guys.

But then I realized I'm being stupid for comparing Brandon to Matt. They're not even similar. Matt was a risk taker and edgy, and Brandon is a sweet, gentleman. Plus we had already started planning our summer together. I'd have to be fucking stupid to say no to Brandon.

So now I'm getting ready for the date. Brandon texted me earlier, saying that we're gunna have dinner at a nice, fancy restaurant. So I wear a sophisticated, royal blue dress, that I bought earlier today with the help of Sarah.

I decided to curl my hair tonight. I haven't curled it in a while, and I think it will look nice with the dress. I put on earrings and a bracelet. I slip on a pair of black heels. I grab a clutch purse, and put my phone, room key, and credit card in it. Although, I highly doubt Brandon will let me pay.

I pace around in the empty hotel room. Sarah went out with Teuvo. I feel my anxiety start to build as I wait for Brandon. I get a text on my phone.

*Hey, I'm here. Just coming up the elevator* Brandon texts.

A minute later, there's a knock at the door. I open the door, and Brandon is standing there in a suit and tie, holding flowers.

"Wow you look great," we both say at the same time.

We both laugh, and he hands me the flowers and I thank him. I smell the flowers as I put them on a table in the room.

"Ok, we can go," I say.

Brandon offers me his arm, and I take it. I close the door behind us.

"Your hair looks really nice," he compliments.

"Thank you. I felt like doing something different with it."

"Well it looks amazing," he says.

"You clean up nice too," I say as we get in the elevator.

"Thanks. I kinda feel like my hair looks greasy though," he tells me.

"No it's fine," I assure him.

"I really like your dress too. It looks good on you," he says.

"Thank you."

We get down to the lobby, and Brandon walks me out to the car. He opens the door for me, and then goes around to the driver's side. Then he starts driving to the restaurant.

"So you said this place is fancy?," I say.

"Ya, it's pretty classy. There's actually a bit of a wait for reservations, but they made an exception for me," he says.

"Well shit. Umm am I dressed fine for the place?," I ask.

"Yes, of course. You look beautiful as always. All eyes will be on you," he says and reaches over and grabs my hand and kisses it.

My phone vibrates in my purse, so I take it out. It's a text from Andrew.

*Remember to take condoms with you* he says with a winky face.

*You have problems* I text back.

"Who is that?," Brandon asks.

"It's just Andrew, being a little shit disturber," I say.

"Ya he can be a real annoying guy," he says.

"Ya but funny," I add.

"So you guys are really close now?," Brandon asks.

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