Author's Note

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I've decided to take a little break from this fanfic. I feel like ever since Bran got traded, my heart just hasn't been in it, and this story just isn't the same for me anymore. I feel like this reflects into my writing, and it's just boring for you guys.

I'll still be working on it slowly, but I won't publish anything for you guys for a while. However, I will still be working on my other fanfic, How To Love. If you aren't reading that fanfic already, I recommend that you do.

I hope that you guys can understand and respect this decision. It's either I take a break or I delete it. But I've thought about this storyline a lot, and I don't want to delete it. Especially since I'm already quite into the story.

I'm going to use this break to really think about the storyline, and about how I want this story to go. I've had ideas for different points of drama for a while, but I just need to piece it together.

I'm sorry if this bums anyone out. The love and support I've received from you guys for this story is incredible. But don't worry, I'm not done with the story. Just please be patient with me.

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