How The War Started

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In 1903, Cardiac (bussy) arrest, supreme queen of Bussyland had a meeting with Queen Abby Lee of The ALDC. During the meeting, they were discussing a trade route. Cardiac wanted a straight trade route linking the capital of Bussyland, Cardiville, and the capital of The ALDC, Maddiopolis. But, Queen Abby wanted the trade route to bend at the tri-border between The ALDC, Bussyland and The United States of Barbica as that would of joined and existing trade route for The ALDC.

Both Queens weren't backing down and it quickly turned into a screaming match. At the height of the screaming, Cardiac Arrest went too far. She threatened to pull Abby' s wig off. In rage, Abby called of the trade route plans and hence was the start of the madness. ( Moreover, it should be noted that this was also the establishment of the term “snatch my wig”. It’s a derogatory term and should be used sparingly. )

Immediately, word spread out to other the world about the conflict between Bussyland and ALC. Political tension was rising and member countries such as the United States ( USB ) and Twinkia, and Equestrination began choosing sides in the growing dispute. In an instant, the USB and Twinkia both publicly announced their siding with the ALDC, this came to no one's surprise as both countries were already established and renowned partners of the ALDC. On the other hand Equestrination decided to follow suit and publicly side with Bussyland.

Political imbalance ensued as the ALDC, USB and Twinkia were now all in black while Bussyland and Equestrination were on the white side.

Additionally, riots and uproars became common within all countries as many civilians started to go against their government's beliefs. One major character, was Azealia Banks. Already brinking on the edge of treason, rebel leader in the USB, Azealia Banks, had decided that this war against the Bussy's was her last straw. She was going to leave the USB soon—and with a battalion. She swiftly began to conduct scoutings and participated in rallies to look for potential allies and supporters who had the same rebellious beliefs.

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