Andrew Tate

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Andrew Tate
Sometime in the year 1940 while the war was still raging, a man by the name Andrew Tate II came to power in a small city called Misogyny in Daboyz. A neighbouring country to Bussyland and supporting party of the Bussyland in the second Badussy war. Andrew became mayor of Misogyny along side his brother and vice mayor, Tristan. The Tate brother were known to of hated the Badussy war participants, who all decedended from the Newton-John tribe.

The Newton-John tribe was the rival tribe the the Da boyz ethnic tribe, the Hitlerions. Due to this, Tate and Tate were both extremely racist and bitter toward the Newton-John descending Badussy countries.

Andrew and his brother set out through the cities of Da boyz, spreading anti Newton-John propaganda and killing Badussy refugees. Due to the ward the Newton-John countries.

The Tate brothers gained so much support, in the Da boyz election of 1945, Andrew Tate became the Dictator of Da boyz and Tristan became the second in command.

For the next 46 years, it was just ongoing chaos. Now with the Tate's the world was at an all time low. It seemed like the battle between the blacks ( ALDC, Twinkia, and the USB ) and the whites ( Bussyland, Equestrination, and Daboyz ) was never going to end.

But something happened. Something miraculous. In 1991, the Tate brothers began to notice that the Black countries were beginning to change. They noticed that their citizens were becoming more tolerant and accepting of other cultures, something they had not seen since before the war. Tristan was no longer interested in fighting, he decided that he wanted peace with his former enemies. Andrew Tate was skeptical, he didn’t understand why Tristan would want to stop fighting. He thought that the war was a great way of keeping Da boyz strong and united. But after many years of arguing, Andrew finally agreed to peace talks with Blacks. In 1990, the two countries signed a treaty called the “Black and White Peace Accord” which ended the war and allowed for both sides to begin rebuilding their nations. The war had caused many deaths and injuries, but it was also a time of growth for both countries. The Black and the Whites began to rebuild their economies, focusing on trading goods with each other instead of fighting over them. This led to a period of prosperity for both nations as they became more economically interdependent.

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