Marjane SatraPussy

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Marjane from the USB was born shortly before the second Badussy War. She had an innate gift of magic, one passed down from generations to generations within her family heratige, rooting from almost a millennium ago. When the second Badussy War had unoffiically commenced in 1904 she was already 16 years old. While she came from aristocracy she always felt like she could be so much more in this world. Bounded by the expectations of her family and oppression to conceal her sorcery powers.

As Azealia Banks was secretly recruiting members for her rebel army, Marfei Satrapussy, with her prophetic visions, caught wind of such activities. Always wanting to put her gift of magic to create real change, Satrapussy informed the USB government, and was granted permission by Nicole Maraj, the President of the USB, to carry out a spy mission: Satrapussy was to infiltrate Banks' ranks, and gather intel to send back to the USB.

Determined, Satrapussy showcased her magical prowess and demonstrated its possibilities to Banks, soon earning the title of the Sorcery General. Eventually, as Banks secretly merged forces with Cardiac and the Bussy's -yet never actively fighting on the field, but staying in the background, strategizing-, Satrapussy's position as spy became more paramount to the Dancers, the Twinks, and most importantly, the Barb's success in the impending war.

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