The Start of the Badussy War

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Rupaul, Empress of Twinkia, Nicole Maraj, President of The Untied States of Barbica and Jiafei, Queen of The Products were called to have a meeting with Queen Abby. Abby told them everything that went on during the Trade Route meeting and they were very angry.

Rupaul put forward a plan to cross the Barbussy (barbica bussy) border and attack Bussyland. Nicole was happy for the border to be used. Jiafei was happy to provide supplies to The Twinks army and air force.

Meanwhile, Nicole Maraj decided that they are going to learn a language called Gulpcakkia, a completely different language with different aspects, as their strategy plan to keep the Barb army, The Twinks, The Dancers and Jiafei in touch with each other using a form of secret communication before the war starts so the Bussy army & spies don't know what are they gonna talk about.

The plan was set in stone. In 1904, The Barbs, The Twinks and The Dancers (Abbys army) crossed the Barbussy border and invaded Bussyland.

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