Chpt 1 - True Flames

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Kai's POV -
Blankly staring at my bloodied hands, I tried ripping them to shreds however they rapidly regenerated not leaving any scars or pain for me to bare. Wanting to scream, releasing all my pent up emotions, I was unable to do anything. Sniffling quietly, closing my eyes for a split second, a gruesome memory flashed in my head, causing unwanted nausea.

***false Memory***
Pieces of Skylor's flesh in my unhinged mouth, blood trickling down in the process, her mutilated corpse lifeless at my feet, I felt relieved that's one of them out of my way. Confidentiality walking away, unfazed, this feeling of becoming anew was... satisfying.

Clenching my stomach furiously, gasping for air, ready to hurl, as stomach acid burnt my inner throat,  tears uncontrollably swelling , what kind of horrid memory was that?

Oni Of Despair POV -
Smirking triumphantly, I'm glad the new spell book has worked so effectively on Kai's weakened brain, this should greatly decrease his mental state, making him an easier to control pawn.

Lloyd's POV -
Cheerfully laughing with the others, playing board games, it's been a week since we've told Kai the truth and he hasn't surfaced out of that room yet. Shaking the dice, Zane intensely staring into my soul, I needed a one and that would mean game over for him.

Morro's POV -
Anxiously awaiting for my turn, Lloyd kept ruthlessly taking out everyone's game characters with ease, it was terrifying to see this competitive side of him.

Harumi's POV -
Comfortably leaning against Lloyd, smiling to myself, this definitely was a competitive side of him he doesn't tend to show, unless it's for some family board game night, unfortunately I had already lost to him start of the game.

Oni Of Fear POV -
Muttering to myself, shaking the dice, Lloyd glared at me with so much intensity I couldn't focus on the game, it was horrifying to see the Green Ninja act in such a way...especially only for a board game.

Jay's POV -
Sitting with Nya, leaning on her shoulder Lloyd had already defeated us middle of the game, I'm surprised the others are managing to scrap by. Smiling at us enjoying our time, a thought slipped by. "Where's Kai?".

Losing the smile, subtly glancing around,Kai wasn't anywhere close, surely he wasn't still caged in his room, still mourning the death of his loved one, I mean I would understand but he needs to breathe, get out of there and take his mind off things , not bottle it up further to the point of becoming tainted with despair...

Kai's POV -
Kneeled on all fours, screaming silently to myself, blood tears dripping out, breathing shakily, skin turning to a pale tone, I couldn't breathe, I can't think, I felt utterly helpless.

Glaring at a nearby mirror, not noticing any burns, they must've healed themselves during that unforgettable Full Oni transformation, at least it was good for something I suppose.

Shakily positioning myself to stand hearing distant laughter... I'm glad they were having fun,
Backstabbers. Inching toward the door, reaching a bloodstained hand for the doorknob, readying myself to go to the kitchen, that's when the unexpected happened without a warning.

Reaching out, nearing the doorknob, about to open it, out of nowhere a burning sensation crashed throughout my body and without any
warning, a darker colouration of my original flames erupted from the palms of my hands, causing me to crash painfully onto my rear as a result of shock.

Morro's POV -
Mindlessly standing, staring at the direction of Kai's room, there was a subtle 'thud' from within. Slowly heading over there, Cole pulled me back to reality. Staring at him coldly, he quickly released my shoulder without hesitation.

"Where you leaving to Morro? Is something wrong?". Preparing to say the truth, a horrendous scream erupted from Kai's room, causing me to instinctively run over there without a second thought.

Slamming open Kai's bedroom, there he laid on his wooden flooring, engulfed in... his own flames? That can't be right,how has he regained the elemental of fire powers already?

Something didn't feel right with this sudden appearance, could that mean the mysterious Oni Warlord used an ancient, forbidden form of magic?

Cautiously Approaching the Hysterically screaming Kai, stopping mid way, glaring down at him with concern, I didn't understand why this was happening.

"Kai are you alright-" unable to continue, chocking for a spilt second, the work of magic, what came out was not expected. "I trusted you and this is how you betray me? Pathetic" subconsciously walking out, without another word, I instinctively knew something had possessed me.

Steadily heading back for the living room, taking my mind off that whole possession, it's clear that mysterious sly Oni can see and hear everything revolving around Kai, I'm hoping he knows we're the allies not the manipulator, trying to make Kai give up his freewill, he deserves a well rested meal, nap and freedom.

Oni Of Despair POV -
Lowering the grin, tapping an anxious claw on my jaw, thinking about what happened, I can't believe Morro managed to only allow me to say such hurtful words, their clever, that's for sure, oh well, doesn't matter, I still have one pawn left.

Slightly glancing over my shoulder, a slumped silhouette begging to be released, he's my last chance to either make Kai succumb to his Oni blood or permanently destroy their brotherly love.

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