Chpt 6 - What Are You Hiding?

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Oni Of Fear POV -
Stealthy entering the monastery, in the Northern hallway, kneeled down, Kai has some explaining to do, I'm not confident the others are aware of our situation either.

"Tsk, what am I supposed to do, I've learnt from a fellow acquaintance, who lives in the Forgotten Realm, that sure the Nameless is dead but he was only a quarter Oni Of Despair soul, that's why he's so persistent with Kai, all of this makes sense" pausing to sigh, one of four hands rubbing my forehead, this isn't good at all, that's not even half of the truth either. "Wu's on a distant island, The Land Of Despair, created by that Devil, entrapping whoever's soul,mind and body there, meaning we can't rescue Wu, it's all hopeless, unfortunately Kai's still ensnared by that THING". Biting one of my nails, anxiously muttering to myself, unaware of the prying ear.

Kai's POV -
Shakily stepping back, heart numbing, unable to process such information, why doesn't anyone truly believe me, I'm here, in control and not possessed by Despair, so...

"Kai they'll never forgive you, killing Skylor in Cold blood, Harumi as well, plus the previous uncontrolled Oni transformations, we are not welcomed, I've been sceptical but this proves I was correct, we need to leave, head for this island of Despair, release Wu and slaughter that THING before he can ruin our reputation further". Subconsciously nodding in agreement, silently stepping backwards, i swiftly spun around, instinctively running for my room, hoping not have been caught.

Morro's POV -
Leg leant against a nearby wall, arms crossed, The Warlord of Fear flinch guilty at my presence, I wondered what he was muttering so intensely to himself.

"Oh it's you Morro, have you learnt anything... new?" Lifting a confused brow, new? Where was he going with this? "No I'm not, explain" staring at him with hostility, The Oni Of Fear nervously glared to the side, avoiding eye contact entirely. "Well you see, Kai's not completely free from the Devil Of Despair, that's my next point, I've learnt of Wu's location, however... only one of us can enter..." scoffing to myself, the Red Ninja, of course. "It's Kai, isn't it? So you're saying we throw him like a used chew toy to free Wu? You can't be seriously considering that.. can you!" Clearly showing Anger, The Oni didn't care.

Garmadon's POV -
Uncertain on Morro's direct instructions, it had become cleared upon hearing their private discussion.

"This isn't good, Wu's location is secure but Kai has to be sacrificed? No... we can't lose him again.." slumping to my knees, pupils contracting, no... we... can't... lose...him.

Kai's POV -
Buried underneath my covers, barely able to shed a tear, mind numbing, body aching all over, not even fully recovered, I didn't understand their betrayal.

Face first into the softened pillows, sighing harshly, body struggling to relax, phantom pain overwhelming me without warning, not again.

Sitting up, crossed legged, subconsciously scratching each burns scarring, tearing layers of flesh, anxiously staring at the entrance, hoping no one would take me away from here, that unforgettable Oni Claws of Despair wrapped around my neck, except this time piercing layers of flesh and ensuring I couldn't scream for help.

"Alright, I've had enough of this Child's game, come to the Island of Despair, allow no one to follow and I'll gladly let Wu free, disobey and heh"He stopped, however without hesitation, he'd pierced an artery, causing my neck to heavily spurt out blood. "I'll kill you".

Lowering my head, eye colour dimming to a grey shade, blood slowly dripping from my lip, pale skin whitening due to lack of blood, close to death, The Oni Of Despair surprisingly released me, forcing my entire body to flop forward, crashing into the wooden flooring, staining it with darkened blood, I'd watched as he approached my door, stopped and kneeled to take a look at me, grinning madly.

"Nighty night Master of Fire, unfortunately for me you won't die as of yet, remember what I've told you today, don't delay, otherwise I'll kill you earlier for fun".  Blood seeping into my eyes, forcing them to instinctively close, his silhouette disappeared, leaving me fighting death once more, I swear, we will kill you, even if a sacrifice must be made, those ninja are too weak anyway, they are merely bait, nothing more.

"Time to seek our revenge, it's been too long... brother, we will kill you".

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