Enemies, principal Anong

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What was going to happen now?

Prapai wondered, and at the thought of what might happen to them made dread and foreboding fill his body.

But Pai didn't really care that he knocked out Jade, for him, this wasn't the problem. He was scared of what might happen back home, and most specifically, how his father might react, to the news of him claiming only second place in the grade.

Prapai subconsciously rubbed his ribs, remembering how powerful blows hit them. Shuddering, Pai was brought back to his senses by a slap to the back of the head from Sky.

Hissing, but unable to say anything in front of the teacher, he followed Sky out of the classroom, all the while sending the other death glares.

It was because of Sky that he was in this situation! That pesky liar and cheater! How could the teacher not see that!

As they walked through the hallways in silence students's heads all turned in their direction, wondering what all the fuss next door was about.

When they arrived at the principals Sky and Pai shared both a worried and loathfull look. Pai knocked on the door, regretting his life decisions.

The principal opened the door, and peered down at them through her square spectacles.

"Come in." She said simply.

They came inside the office, and sat themselves on the chairs opposite the principals desk.

"Explain." She said.

"Well..." Sky started.

"I expected better of both of you, Mr. Wasu and Mr. Thiti." She interrupted. "Both of you are our schools model students, and I assumed so much better of you."

"I don't know what you did, but trust me, you won't get away with it easily. This is the third time this month you both are here, and I've really had enough." She continued with cold sternness.

"Tell me what happened." She commanded, looked at them through her glasses.

"We had a fight." Prapai said as fast as possible, as if saying it faster would reduce the seriousness of this statement.

"I'm not even surprised. What is it this time? Lunch money? Girls? Friends? Grades?" She asked, unfazed.

"Grades..."Sky mumbled, looking at Prapai with a small smirk when the older woman wasn't looking.

"Details?" She said, matter of fact, really unimpressed.

"Jade...he..." Prapai started and the Principal immediately raised her eyes from the parchment she was scribbling something on.

"Jade? What about him?" Everyone knew that most of the schools teachers and staff in general liked Jade a lot, and this matter did affect the principal as well.

At that exact moment, their teacher came bursting in and yelling, panting, "Mrs. Anong, I'm really sorry but I've come to inform you that because of these two," He pointed his fingers at Prapai and Sky "Jade broke his arm and has a slight concussion"

It took about 3 seconds for this information to sink in in the room

The first to react was of course the Principal.

"What?!?!??" She roared, glaring with hatred at the two boys in front of her.

"My nephew!" She yelled.

That left the boys shocked, but they didn't have time to wonder as she slammed her palms on the desk

"How dare you?!?" She shouted, spiting fire through her eyes. "Both of you...." She paused, seething.

The two boys expected only the worst as she eyed them both with a deadly stare, eye-killing them at the same time.

"I think I came up with something..." She said, and for a second looked evilly at the boys, but was talking to the teacher.

"What if..." She hesitated, but then a smirk flowed over her old round face. "Yes..." She smiled, "Mr. Kiet, I have the perfect punishment..."

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