Enemies, first project

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Sky groaned at the consistent and horrible noise of his alarm clock.

He turned over, moving his hand up and shielding his eyes from the bright morning sunlight that spilled into his room.

Sky groaned again but was forced to open his eyes and roll over to press the "Stop" button with an annoyed jab of his finger.

He then reluctantly sat up on the edge of his bed, stretching his arms up and basking in the warm light that was almost blinding.

"Fuck you morning." Was all he said before getting up and changing into his school clothes.

(Alisa, ignore the swearing please)


Prapai woke up to his father's angry yelling from downstairs.

"You pathetic son of a bitch, why aren't you up yet?!!" Was heard from behind the door.

Pai opened his eyes and looked around at his mostly empty room, though instead of the usual clear vision he had his head felt horrible and was slightly spinning.

He shook it from side to side, his brain only now registering what the yelling downstairs was about.

Quickly as he could without making his hurting body pain any more Pai slipped off his bed and began dressing as fast as he could.

Prapai grabbed his school bag and ran down the stairs, wincing slightly in the process.

"I'm here dad!" He exclaimed, trying to stand straight in his fathers presence.

Prapai's father was about to say something harsh to him about being late, but luckily his mom came into the room with a smile.

She wordlessly handed him his already-packed lunch and then wished him good luck in school, sending him out the door.

Sometimes Pai was really grateful he had such an amazing mother.


The first things Sky did when he came to school was head towards his locker, where his best friend Rain was already waiting for him.

Rain obviously wanted an explanation of what happened yesterday, since news traveled fast at their school.

"I'll tell ya later." Sky said, noticing Rains questioning look from afar and being quick to shut him off. "I gotta go."

Sky walked off after quickly grabbing everything he needed from his locker, and headed towards the principals room once more, where he was mad to see Prapai already there.

The two boys made no signs of recognition, but anyone passing by could feel the air heavy with their loathing.

As the bell rang through the school Pai knocked on the office door and it was opened almost seconds after.

Principal Anong smiled mischievously at them the moment they stepped in and handed each of the boys a newly made timetable.

Sky opened his mouth in protest when his eyes landed on the paper. When she said "Every lesson together" he didn't think she meant every lesson. But now, looking at his new schedule, almost every single subject was rearranged and put in a way that him and Prapai shared even ASA together! 

(ASA is After School Activities, for those who don't know)

Pai had seemed to have a similar reaction.

"But Mrs!" He suddenly let out. "I've never done piano before! Music is a girls thing! Why do I have to do it?"

"Well..." The principal started, still smiling at them 'sweetly' "You see, since you both had different ASA, I had to mix them together and-" Seeing the boys expressions she immediately continued, not waiting to be interrupted with protests "-Before you say anything, I've informed all your teachers about this, and they seem totally fine with the new arrangements."

Sky let out a huff of indignation.

Not only was he challenged in his hobby and the thing he liked to do, he was also put on a soccer team together with Prapai!

Even though Jade almost got a concussion, Sky didn't think this much torture was necessary or fair.

"Alright," Mrs Anong continued, patting them both on the heads like five year olds, and shooing them out the door, "Get going now, your classes start in five minutes."


The first thing Sky and Prapai had together was APS, (Algebraic Problem Solving) or more simply, algebra.

As soon as they walked in the teacher, Mr. Chai, greeted them and showed them their new assigned desks.

The boys took them reluctantly. Both had an unspoken agreement that if they don't speak to each other, they won't get in trouble, and so far everything was working.

The class started a few minutes later, and both were fine, taking notes on the new topic they learning, and not even glancing the other way.

However, when the class was coming to an end, some unpleasant news came up.

This was probably the first stage of "Doing things together" From Mrs Anongs plan, since Mr Chai had assigned everyone to complete a poster on how integrals helped you and how exactly they functioned. But the project was assigned in partners. Desk partners to be precise.

Sky really thought that Mrs Anong did this specifically to annoy them, because Mr Chai rarely gave out partner work.

This month will really be interesting.

Prapai sighed knowing that there was no point in arguing.

It would be easier just to have one of them do the work and pretend that they both did it in order to avoid some unwanted contact.


The day ended, the two already being more than fed up with sitting next to each other all day, but luckily with no more homework other than reading up on some things for biology.

"So?" Sky said tersely, coming to a stop as they left the building.

"So?" Prapai mocked, rolling his eyes but stopping as well.

"I need your number." Sky admitted through clenched teeth, looking away.

Prapai laughed, but not in a good mannered way.

"Don't have a phone." He stated, "What for?"

Sky looked taken aback for a second, but then decided that he had better things to do than care why the older didn't have a cellphone.

"Project?" Sky said frown plastered on his face and trying his best not to mock or insult the other's stupidity.

"Can't I do it alone?" Prapai said, returning the frown, following by an angry stare from Sky.

"He'll know, you know how good Mr Chai is at recognizing handwriting. Besides, you'll probably make the thing look horrible."

"I don't care?" Prapai answered snarkily.

"Well, I care about my grade, so I'd rather have both of us do it."

Don't get Sky wrong, he hated this, but he cared a lot about every assignment and project in school, so he wanted to make sure Prapai didn't ruin it, which he was sure the other would.

"Fine? I guess you say this because you little goody-two-shoes couldn't bare the feeling of getting something lower than a 98 on your project? Huh?" Pai said in a sneering baby tone.

"Shut up you-" Sky was about to yell but the older already started walking away.

"Fuck him."

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⏰ Terakhir diperbarui: May 29, 2023 ⏰

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