Enemies, the punishment

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"What if..." She hesitated, but then a smirk flowed over her old round face. "Yes..." She smiled, "Mr. Kiet, I have the perfect punishment..."

Dread filled every inch of Sky's body as he heard what she said next.

"You two!" She pointed an old crooked finger at the two boys, "You two will become best friends in the next two weeks. If not, this will be the end of your school career and I'll mark you down on every test you take. Also," Her smirk widened, "You'll miss every single school trip we'll be having."

Prapai just gaped at her, mouth slightly agape.

"F-friends?.....With him???" He stuttered, absolutely disgusted and disbelieving.

Sky had the same disgusted look on his face, but kept quiet.

"Yes." She stated firmly. "And not just friends, best friends. Or else, the consequences will be worse."

Stunned silence filled the room after that statement. Even the teacher was quiet, because he knew that it was beyond unheard of for the two to even say even say a simple sentence to each other without a growl or a glare.

"I'll make Mr. Yutzi arrange a schedule for you so that every lesson you have is together. Also, all your school projects that are done in partners will be rearranged so that you will do them together as well. I'll give you your schedule tomorrow. You are welcome. Goodbye."

With a scoff of annoyance, Prapai jumped to his feet hitting his hands on the principals desk.

Sky, no matter how much he disliked the other, had to pull him away because he was afraid he would cause them to be in even deeper trouble.

"Let go!" Prapai hisssed and struggled in Sky's arms, trying to hit him away but calmed down after a few seconds, thinking of what his father would do if he knew that his son had yelled at the principal.

Sky hated the idea of being literal fluffing friends with his enemy, but it really looked like things would be worse if they didn't.

Besides, in the back of his mind, he did feel kinda guilty for Jade's situation. They had never been friends, but Jade had never done anything to upset Sky either.

Also, the idea of getting marked down and not going on trips...Well, it was very saddening.

His parents' proud faces appeared in his mind, with a younger him, showing them his tests. Along with that, a shadow of what seemed to be a dozen girls in bikinis and swimsuits playing in the water...

Sky really had to get his mind under control.

"Fine." He simply stated, even though inside he was cringing at the slightest idea of even smiling at the other boy.

"What?!?" Prapai cried in outrage.

"I agree." Sky said again blankly, really hating himself for getting into this situation and doing this.

He had to though, and if that scumhead didn't get it soon enough that if they fought in front of the schools principal - who's nephew they just managed to knock out, things would go way, way, worse for both of them, and Sky was sure the same would go for disagreeing with her decision.

"Shut up you dumbass" Sky said before Prapai could make their punishment even worse.

The older boy growled at him, but seemed to have at least one braincell to understand that if he continued this things would go badly.

So, Sky just dragged him out of the room, recoiling at even the small contact with the other.

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