Enemies, parents

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Yes, guys, I'm back. I know it took me waaaay longer to update than usual, and I'm sorry, but I had a school trip and lots of schoolwork to do. I'll try my best to keep the normal update schedule from now on, but this isn't a promise. I really appreciate you all though, so thank you.

This chapter is also kinda a filler for you to get to know their families more, but the next chapter should be more exciting.

Anyway, let's get to it.


When Sky got home and his parents greeted him, they both wore looks of sadness with tiny hits of anger.

Sky's dad just motioned him inside with a curt "Come in."

Sky knew he was in trouble for sure, even without seeing the looks his parents gave him behind his back.

Guilt came sweeping back inside him, but he refused it to penetrate him. It wasn't his fault that Prapai had got a worse grade than him and started that fight. It wasn't much of a fight actually, but Prapai was the one to blame anyway.

Sky's mom and dad had obviously got an email from Mrs. Anong because when Sky changed his clothes and came down to the kitchen, both of them were sitting by the table wearing glum expressions, and looking at him like they were very disappointed.

"So," Sky's mom started when he sat down in front of them.

"So?" Sky asked, inside telling himself that it wasn't his fault, and that he was absolutely innocent.

"We got a letter from your school's principal today." His dad said, further proving Sky's suspicions.

"It said you got into a fight again. Sky, honey, this cannot continue." His mother said. "From what I heard, a student got injured, and that's even worse. This was very irresponsible of you, and I think you should be very ashamed of your actions."

Sky looked down. He never liked being confronted by his parents because he always liked it when they were proud of him.

"Mom, I didn't start the fight! It was all Prapai!" He said, trying to prove that he wasn't guilty.

"I don't care, Sky." She said, showing first real anger with that statement. "You participated in it, no matter how small it was, and a student got knocked out! That is still partially your fault. It doesn't matter whether you started it or not."

"But-" Sky was cut short by his mother.

"-I'm not done. Your actions these days are starting to become more and more irresponsible, and this behavior cannot continue. I heard about the punishment you will be receiving from your head of school, and I don't think that is even near enough for the damage you caused. I personally think you should be grounded for about a month, and-" She gave a sharp look at her son when she was him open his mouth to protest. "I will not hear any more whiny excuses. Also, I'm deleting all your gaming apps on your phone so you will only be able to use it for contacting us."

Sky looked dejected. He had just won first place in the whole grade chemistry and maths test, and instead of going out for ice cream or to the movies, he was grounded.

This day couldn't get any worse, could it?


However, things were going way worse for Prapai.

He trudged home, awaiting for the things that would happen soon enough.

Awful boiling fear that filled Prapai every time he came home only intensified with the thought of what his dad would say about what happened today at school. He knew clear as day that his parents were aware of what happened of course, because his dad always checked the mail for new reasons to punish his son.

Prapai carefully raised his fist into the air and gently knocked on his front door, his parents never giving him the keys to it of course.

The door opened almost instantly with a click and Prapai was greeted with a pair of dark brown eyes staring a him angrily.

"Get in!" His father snapped at him, shoving him inside harshly by the shoulder.

Prapai's welcome home was never good, but just by the look in his dads eyes he knew he was into some deep shit.

Pai took a deep breath and lowered his back off his shoulders, setting it on the couch and turning to face his father.

Pai's mom usually came home late from work, so she never knew about what happened between him and his dad.

Lifting his gaze up, Prapai was met with his fathers look, full of disapproval and anger.

"What is this?!" The older demanded with a shout, shoving his phone screen in Pai's face, almost hitting him.

"Umm..." Prapai mumbled, seeing the letter his head of school had wrote to his parents.

"Answer me you brat! Another fight?! Didn't you get enough of a lesson the first time?! And what the f*ck did I tell you about getting bad grades?!" Prapai's father yelled, putting his phone back into his pocket and advancing on the poor young boy.

"I didn't mean it! It was an accident! I swear! And I'll get better than Jerk-boy, promise!" Pai tried to defend himself, but his dad wouldn't listen.

"Do you think I care?! You said you'll be better than him ages ago! And what?! Did you do it?!" This statement was followed by a loud "smack!" As Pai's father slapped him across the face.

The younger boy recoiled, moving back, though knowing that there was no escaping his cruel parenting.

Prapai's father raised a fist this time.

"I think I should teach you another lesson." Was all he said before he hit Pai in the stomach.

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